Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He continued to wear glasses even when he found them unnecessary simply because they had become part of his image .
2 ‘ Are you sorry now that I invaded your castle ? ’
3 Are you fit again because I know you 've had a little bit of shoulder trouble I think is n't it ?
4 I made you live again and I wanted to know there was more than mere excitement for you . ’
5 It was very tiring work , and it kept me busy so that I did not look up and see the Hispaniola until she was just half a mile away from me !
6 when you come and stay with me , she , anyway she , she would n't , well in the end I just said that 's it I 've had enough I switched the car off and grabbed hold of her I said , frogmarched her in the car I said come on , I 'm going to bed , Rudy 's ready for bed I said I want you with me , so that I can keep me eye on you if I have to sit up all bloody night , of course when she was with me I picked her up and got her strong again and I say you have to be worth it , you 're better off without him then she come round and then she 'd say I know I am I just go down
7 But that was before doctors switched off the ventilator that had kept him alive ever since he ran in terror from one IRA bomb into the full force of another .
8 He drew her close again and they fell silent , Rachel reflecting on how hard it must have been for David not to have told her what had really happened between himself and her sister , then another thought struck her .
9 Kegan says they 're driving him mad already and he wants me there right away to talk to some bloody newspaper people .
10 Was he right then when he told the people of Scotland , ’ Do n't vote for the proposals of the Labour party because they do not contain any responsibility for raising revenue .
11 And the supporters been treating me well , the promotion been treating me well , so obviously I never really wanted to move but we had a few problems with the negotiating with the contract and the financial terms was n't quite right so but I 'm glad to say we 've got it right now and you know we both sort of gave a bit and we came to a settlement er which I 'm very pleased about .
12 Erm well they have n't got it networked yet but they have the C D ROM players there already .
13 ‘ My father 's made it clear enough that he wants us to — to — ’
14 ‘ So many of the other bands that come over are going to find it hard here because they do n't really sing and they do n't write songs in the traditional sense . ’
15 And remember , Roger , the thread had been removed , the fuse destroys itself , and people coming in and out of the room , once the bed was on fire , would scarcely think it suspicious even if they saw the odd burn mark on the floor .
16 I 'll take you there and I 'm sure someone will bring you back ’ She did n't want to say she was sure Beuno would bring her back because that would make it evident again that she knew the miserable secrets of Betty 's heart .
17 By right and custom , he himself and James here should be going back to the house for the reading of the will , but this very new Sir Joseph had made it evident yesterday that he wanted no reading done in the house and that he would let them know when he wanted the matter dealt with .
18 Or is part of it missing so that you trust what you know but wonder what the rest is like ?
19 Is n't it super now that you have your very own Rainbow pages in BROWNIE magazine ?
20 keep it small so before you know , you know , it 's usually like you know
21 ‘ Christ , is n't it bad enough that I have to scrape for every bloody penny to do a piece of vital research , without being forced to turn my project into a circus for a lot of gawping idiots who wo n't have the least comprehension of what I 'm trying to do ?
22 Nor in general is he liable even if he has planted the trees because he has not used his land in an extraordinary or non-natural manner .
23 They 've been driving me mad ever since I moved in , but as soon as I come out with a gun they all disappear .
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