Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sister Anne is teaching me French and she says my accent is really very good . "
2 She looked at me unsmiling and I opened my mouth to protest that I was the last person in the world to take such a thing for granted , that I was the only person in the world who held a low opinion of sexual experience .
3 ‘ You must set them free before I send your brothers to the plane . ’
4 The man managed to pull them free after he heard their shouts for help at Towyn in Clwyd .
5 No doubt the Duke of Bridgewater 's agent had thought them happy when he collected their rent each week .
6 He required seven or eight spinners to keep him busy as he threw his shuttle to and fro on his heavy wooden loom .
7 You think it odd that I pay her bills ?
8 Other leading figures of the party made it clear that they share his sentiments .
9 She made it clear that she wished their relationship to continue , but could nor tolerate Charles 's violent outbursts .
10 O'Keeffe made it clear that she defined her art strictly as self-expression and indicated that she had first begun her formal training at the Art Institute of Chicago .
11 My rebellion was only half-consciously directed at my father 's choice of reading matter for me , although his disapproving and often angry comments made it clear that he took my behaviour as a personal affront .
12 Laing made it clear that he despised his fellow MPs for affecting the common touch and wearing Olex ; he himself never appeared in the house without a worsted suit and a carnation .
13 Mrs Thatcher had rebuffed suggestions that he resign and made it clear that he enjoyed her full confidence .
14 There were times when Gooch publicly made it clear that he put his home life before cricket .
15 I made it clear that I wanted our discussion that morning to focus on business matters , but I realised that she had a need to talk to someone , preferably someone discreet .
16 It important that we win our games over Christmas .
17 Is he aware that they welcome his determination to do all he can to improve their lot , both at home and abroad ?
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