Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] his [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One evening after dinner Wendell Harvey had demanded that Aubrey tell them about his childhood at The Grange , and how Harry had become involved with the family .
2 Having been a hostage among the Huns himself , he had called in Hunnic troops to support the usurper Joannes in 425 ; he fled to them after his defeat at the hands of Boniface in 432 ; and he was probably behind their destruction of the Burgundian kingdom in the mid-430s .
3 Victor snatched up a bottle and two glasses , and took them behind his curtain into the kitchen .
4 Maurice took you into his confidence from the start . ’
5 He addressed his students as ‘ Gentlemen ’ , and drew them into his subject by the use of ‘ we ’ and ‘ you ’ ( a contrast with McFadyean 's ‘ one ’ that fits in well with the relationships between these two different teachers and their classes . )
6 The Secretary of State for Energy , Mr Nigel Lawson , had not fooled them with his praise for the fast reactor two days earlier ; for his action , to delay the work all but indefinitely , spoke louder than his words .
7 He was waiting for them with his barge by the first footbridge over the canal as they came down from the moor .
8 The bills came on the morning of the burial , and he suddenly drew them from his pocket during the service , opening them without knowing what he was doing .
9 If therefore the forgeries were in his hands , and he referred to them in his account to the pope without going further and quoting their contents and producing their texts , his conduct shows ( to say the least ) very muddled thinking on his part .
10 It 's up to the owner to decide which way round to have the post and rails , although he must erect them on his side of the boundary .
11 The hostility of United directors to his backers persuaded Mr Knighton that he could never hope to reconcile them to his ownership of the club .
12 If the accused person recounts his childhood experiences and relates them to his commission of the crime , is the entire discussion ‘ regarding such crime ’ ?
13 They had despised him , tolerating him for his share of the rent .
14 I want first to say something nice about the Under-Secretary of State and , on the record , to thank him for his decision in the case of Younis Patel , who was in prison in Leicester for a number of months .
15 These doubts , hard to pin down , because reason easily disposed of them all , crystallised around the fact that Comrade Andrew too often smelled of drink ; she could not bring herself to criticise him for his partiality to the goose-girl , because she had learned so long ago and so thoroughly simply to switch off in this area .
16 Sir David Nicholson retires from the Board this year and we thank him for his contribution to the Group over the past nine years .
17 I pay tribute to him for his support for the Peace Train .
18 I was grateful to him for his tribute to the members of the two boundary committees , they did do an excellent job , they did it as he implied , slightly less un generously to the government er in a considerably shorter time than they and we would have liked but they did it very well and they did it very fairly .
19 Early claims the money is owed to him for his work on the record , the biggest selling rap album of all time , having shifted in excess of 20 million copies .
20 Indeed , the day before he had received Karl Rahner to thank him for his work for the Council .
21 God had given his Spirit to his anointed king in order to equip him for his leadership of the people .
22 When the National Executive expelled Cripps for his part in the " United Peace Alliance " , it attacked him for his influence in the League .
23 We are indeed indebted to him for his loyalty to the Guild — today marks the end of two eras — 100 years for the Guild and the end of the Diocesan Episcopate of Bishop Harris — it only remains for me to express on your behalf our very best wishes to his Lordship for a very happy , healthy and long retirement .
24 Thirty years after his death in 716 , Boniface criticized him for his disregard of the laws of the Church and for his personal immorality and depicted him as struck with madness while feasting with his nobles , so that he died ‘ gibbering with demons and cursing the priests of God ’ .
25 Also , had it been in the first instance the officers of Albinus , there was a need to consider the townspeople since it was they who must have supported him for his bid for the purple on the expectancy of rich return on his success .
26 He remembered a conversation he 'd once had with his brother , who had teased him about his interest in the works of Elinor Dove .
27 He 'd avoided giving her a direct answer when she 'd tried to ask him about his friendship with the actress , but it was obvious that there was a very real chemistry between them .
28 Sheldon had become much attached to her during his time at the Lock Hospital and it is said that she asked him to embalm her body after her death , which he did .
29 Although he was pardoned by the King and sent into exile ( presumably for his own protection ) , there were riots against him after his release from the Tower , and when he sailed from England he was intercepted and murdered on 2 May .
30 He is far from being one of the outer world , but in reading his work we constantly feel the influence upon him of his reading of the worst English poets .
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