Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [det] [noun] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I lived in one of them for many years and know how far ahead of their time they were .
2 If you want to share them , put a new condom on them for each user or wash them thoroughly in hot water ( as long as the toy is not electrical ! ) .
3 I do not relish the thought of leaving her here with him while I drive you for many miles and wait for you to linger by shop windows . ’
4 They punish you for any mistakes and give you no gifts at this level .
5 And thank you for this day and make me grateful for what I 've got .
6 ‘ I want to thank you for this opportunity and tell you I will do my very best for you . ’
7 Give the customers plenty of opportunity to see you from all angles and let them feel the cloth if they want to .
8 I could n't stay here and not throw you on that bed and take you , again and again and again , until you could n't hide from me any longer ! ’
9 I propose an advance on your future status that will assist you at this point and hold you fast to our mutual course .
10 All of us at John Fowler Holidays will be pleased to see you at any time and hope to have the pleasure of giving you a good holiday .
11 George MacKerracher was a character in himself , and although I always suspected that he made up most of his stories , he told them with such sincerity and verve that they were quite believable .
12 It would have been the easiest thing in the world take me into another room and tell me they actually liked what Allison was doing , but they did n't . ’
13 Employers are also obliged to assess the risks to pregnant women and protect them from those risks and adjust working conditions and hours of work to protect their health and safety .
14 The only other thing that may be an answer to the question is erm I I know it seems an about face but are we gon na say that er the other two sergeants that are now managers become A L O's and use them in that capacity and train 'em up .
15 Keep them in this position and place them against the hands of your partner so that you are in physical contact ( See Fig. 1 ) .
16 You can bring them in this afternoon and fill them in here .
17 If teachers use the methods of the artisan to achieve satisfactory wage levels ( to which I agree they are entitled ) it is only reasonable for society , through its elected representatives , to view them in these terms and define for teachers their role and function .
18 We can encourage them in these gifts and enhance them .
19 By Spain , Jackie was beginning to feel the first twinges of the ulcer which was to hamper him for some time and keep him out of racing properly — and out of Belgium altogether — until July .
20 ‘ They have been extremely patient with him for several years and have taken this step after careful consideration of the limited options available to them . ’
21 Now , more than anything , she wanted to point him towards that hole and push .
22 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
23 ‘ Please love , be a good boy , just wipe Annie 's hands for her on that flannel and take her to watch telly , will you ?
24 I have been using it for some years and encourage my junior staff to do the same .
25 And that 's it for another week but do n't forget the late news at eleven thirty .
26 I try and get it out with my fingers , but I ca n't reach it so I pour it into another bowl and put it on the floor for Satan to drink .
27 I am not for one moment suggesting that you could do such a thing yourself because I think you would do it with more style and use a magnum of champagne .
28 We have got , each one of us , to take our place as we find it in this world and make the best of it , and pull together with the others around us …
29 Hem it on all sides and sew ribbon along the edges .
30 The letter was , however , present in the orthographic tradition ( regardless of the mixed origins of the tradition in Old English , Anglo-Norman and Latin orthography ) : thus , in the absence of strong orthographic standardization , the scribes would omit it on some occasions and insert it ‘ hypercorrectly ’ on others .
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