Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] they [vb past] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 My parents once told me that they lived on the Canary Islands for a little while but I do n't think I was born just yet .
2 She looked up at him and they kissed on the lips , this time not frivolously , but full of heat and passion .
3 They 'd left Jamie with her while they went on a business trip across the country , and she was thoroughly fed up with him .
4 At common law the possessor of ‘ cattle ’ was strictly liable , independently of scienter , for damage done by them when they trespassed on the land of his neighbour .
5 Joyriders have threatened to stab a farmer 's son who ran to help them when they crashed on a country lane .
6 Our plan was to simulate the view of a vulture by mounting a camera on a model aircraft : we would wait near a fresh lion kill until the vultures started soaring , and then fly the model aircraft among them as they descended on the carcass .
7 We joined the crowd before our handiwork was noticed and watched as Mary and Albert had more confetti thrown over them as they stood on the threshold of the church .
8 Some said they had seen the quizzical , grey-whiskered faces staring up at them as they crouched on the two boards above the refuse pit , peering at the nervous men from beside the walls of the cubicles and showing no apprehension .
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