Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lucker stares at me or rather at a spot on the wall to the left of my head .
2 Sailing along quite the thing and we were right down I du n no how far , if we were right in the middle of them or just on the edge of them , but we were not far from them .
3 She told me that just across the road there lived what she described as a mantenuta , a kept woman , whose lover visited her every day : she could be seen waiting for him behind the semi-closed shutters .
4 The second came when Bennett and Carter both went for the ball , which bounced off the pair of them and again into the net .
5 The latter — that is , those living with spouses and with younger people — are most likely to obtain support from those living with them and little from the state .
6 With fewer defence contracts around , American aircraft manufacturers such as Rockwell and McDonnell Douglas have been pressing Boeing to redirect subcontracting work towards them and away from the Japanese .
7 The serjeant rubbed his chin and looked at them and then at the friar , sucking in air noisily through his blackened teeth .
8 You know with the and when she does n't know where she 's going to get enough money to feed , clothe them and especially at a time like now , when all these adverts are on television for , you know the toys that children want , and they just have n't the ability to provide those those things for the children , much as they would want to do it .
9 ‘ I 've read most of them and am of the opinion they do the author a disservice .
10 and they forget to tell you that once upon a time does n't always have a nice ending , yeah
11 Okay , what I 'm going to do now is I 'm going to split you in , into groups , I want to split you into two groups , we could have up to you , and the dividing line will be you and then at the back there .
12 The result will be disappointing , not only for you but also for the bride who has been looking forward to keeping her flowers for ever .
13 She never revealed her own secrets to me but then after a while I made no more enquiries — I did n't want to do anything to lose her . ’
14 Others were more conveniently sited for them but inconveniently for the Company , as a condition of selling land for the railway .
15 Several times he stopped and listened , thinking that there had been a movement just behind him or just to the side of him , or that something had padded after him on stealthy feet and was standing watching him .
16 there 's basically three points that the public worry about , one is certainly the pothole situation and if we take er Mr assurance that they are categories of roads that will be dealt with in priority , I think we also then need to spell out those various categories within our promise , er because in Mr place , example his pothole is just as important to him or indeed to a motorcyclist going along that little lane going into the pothole as , on , on a front road , so I think we need to clarify those , those er categories .
17 The only person there was Gran , and she was asleep , but it would be better to be with her than downstairs in the kitchen , alone .
18 I did n't know him and only at the end did he wish to know me . ’
19 She thought it was the squirrel again , but then realised it was something moving jerkily in the hollow of a decayed tree below her and close to the beech .
20 NEWRY — Errol Lutton won his first international caps in Poland , and it is not only a boost to him but also to the club as they bid to match the big boys .
21 There is no doubt that Le Bas was shocked by the softness of the atmosphere which surrounded the young Prince , arising not only from the superfluity of femininity which guided him but also from the child 's isolation from the world .
22 ‘ We must live our earthly lives in obedience to Him but also in the service of the great possibilities He gives us .
23 Not , as you might expect , on fear of him but instead on a fear of the opposition .
24 ‘ I squared up to him but only on the spur of the moment .
25 of his duties as clerk of the scales and we 'll have a notice put next to him as well about the procedure
26 Centre-forward Tom White was Manager Bert Head 's primary target at Pittodrie , but he brought John McCormick back with him as well from the Granite City for a mere £1,500 — and it was the craggy defender who became such a staunch and resolute pillar of Palace rearguards and helped guide the club through to 1st Division security .
27 He 'd said to himself as he walked away with it that all along the act had been a load of rubbish .
28 It was on the same wall as the door , to the left of it and just beside the telephone .
29 Finally , having scrubbed and soaked the Curiowood , this can be placed just off-centre to break up the open area left , with Fountain plants around it and elsewhere in the foreground .
30 We separated , and as soon as I got into a side street , I went down it and there at the bottom was Cuttle 's Bakehouse .
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