Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Martin Martin notes that on a small rocky island to the south of Skye there is ‘ a great quantity of scurvey-grass , of an extraordinary size , and very thick ; the natives eat it frequently , as well boiled as raw : two of them told me that they happened to be confined there for the space of thirty hours , by a contrary wind ; and being without victuals , fell to eating this scurvey-grass , and finding it of a sweet taste , far different from the land scurvey-grass , they ate a large basketful of it , which did abundantly satisfy their appetites until their return home ’ .
2 When he told me that he wanted to be an actor like Owen Jones , I was very surprised but instinctively excited and challenged .
3 ‘ And let her know that you cared so little for me that you had to be reminded ?
4 In response to the CNAA 's complaint the DES agreed to circularize colleges warning them that they had to be prepared to satisfy CNAA requirements , and indicating that the DES would not be prepared to entertain new courses in excess of likely demand .
5 I was at the Edward II wrap party and someone asked me if I wanted to be in a film .
6 It was decided it would be too traumatic for them if they had to be flown away again afterwards .
7 There was one lady called ‘ Toss-Off Kate ’ who used to go round the audience and sit beside various isolated gentlemen and ask them if they wanted to be serviced .
8 Because grants to courtiers came to be seen as an abuse , monopolies to individuals were prohibited in 1624 , but corporations could still receive them and they continued to be the basis for trade outside Europe in the seventeenth century .
9 I did not and could not touch you where you wanted to be touched .
10 Er and you 'd er they 'd er just bang on the door and , and call you and you had to be downstairs in five minutes .
11 He hated me because he had to be ashamed of me .
12 He was one of those ‘ look after number one ’ types , not averse to trampling on other people if it got him where he wanted to be .
13 She told him that he had to be successful and then she made it impossible for him .
14 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
15 At first she told him that she wanted to be near her cousin Freddy , in the Engineers .
16 But the fire in her body when she lay in bed thinking of him that night warned her that she had to be strong or she would n't be able to reject him if he tried again .
17 He had told her that he had to be quick on the phone because his literary editor was listening to him .
18 The crowds loved him and he wanted to be rewarded accordingly .
19 I mean no one noticed anything unusual about her and she seemed to be full of plans for the wedding . ’
20 ‘ She would misinterpret everything you said to her and she had to be reassured about 20 times over .
21 ‘ Because Stapleton thought that she would be very much more useful to him if she appeared to be a free woman . ’
22 Well it was a town then but since then it 's been made a city , you see , and I got to know all kinds of people and one gentleman came in there , used to come every evening and write a book and er , I used to look after him if I happened to be that end and er , you see , and then he 'd say , oh just an exchange you know about the weather and just in general thing and then I 'd leave him and he 'd get on with his writing and one day he said to me .
23 ‘ I told him if he wanted to be a great athlete he would have to stop chasing them . ’
24 However , if the patient required an X-ray he or she had to be seen by one of the consultants or registrars .
25 Apart from an explanation of the reason for the survey , how he or she came to be selected , a guarantee of anonymity , etc. , each question must maintain the respondent 's cooperation by treating him or her with courtesy and gratitude — a few ‘ pleases ’ and a ‘ thank you ’ are essential .
26 The spokesman also stressed that anyone receiving what he or she considered to be a suspect package should exercise extreme caution and contact the police immediately .
27 Moreover , Hahnemann discovered that if a patient needed a particular remedy he or she tended to be very sensitive to it — much more so than someone for whom it was not indicated .
28 Removal of this national vulnerability and dependence on other nations became the prime aim , and so compelling an aim was it that it came to be achieved by fair means or foul .
29 I used to have a file , but I found that , as with so many files one opens , I was putting so much in it that it ceased to be useful .
30 We would n't have got on to it except it happened to be a post office where the little old lady is careful and takes a note of the numbers of anything over a fiver .
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