Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] have [vb pp] he " in BNC.

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1 It was clear to me that they had spared him in order to groom him for their own uses .
2 You 'd believe me if you 'd seen him .
3 To tell you that I 've killed him ! ’
4 He 'd have kissed you if you had encouraged him , only a little . ’
5 ‘ I asked you if you 'd found him . ’
6 Simon has told me he asked you and you have given him hope .
7 I knew he had something more than Liza and me because we 'd seen him when he had his bath and when he lay in bed in his short shirt .
8 There , a former customer of the plaintiffs gave evidence that he had met the defendant in the street and mentioned to him that he had heard he had set up his own business and wanted the defendant to cut him a suit .
9 I told him that I had heard he was involved in a recording project with Mo Foster .
10 After an apparently unbreakable silence , Julia decided that she would have to say something else and so with considerable truth , she told him that she had missed him .
11 He did n't tell her that they had brought him here unconscious after torturing him in the main building .
12 She had met John briefly on Friday night and he told her that someone had told him that men who fought with the International Brigade would not be accepted in the Forces .
13 Somewhere they 've got a , there 's a picture of him and I 've named him out of one of the photos I brought over .
14 He told me that his wife had left him and she had told him that the baby she was carrying was not his . ’
15 But later he had talked to her and she had told him how she , too , wanted , indeed was determined to be an actress one day , and he had looked quite serious , and offered to take her to watch a rehearsal and meet the cast .
16 They would not have recognized him if they had passed him in the street .
17 I might have had a word with him if I 'd caught him .
18 They 'd most likely be asking him if he 'd seen him .
19 I went to several pubs looking for him but nobody had seen him , so , as it was getting late , I turned to go home to face the music .
20 He felt a great deal of anger towards his wife and really wanted to express it to her but she had cheated him , as he saw it , by deliberately having an accident and dying and therefore depriving him of having the opportunity to say what he felt .
21 He had not seen her since she had attacked him to stop him hitting Oliver .
22 He come to call for Stephen this morning so I collared him while I 'd got him .
23 So he relaxes and enjoys a brief dance with her after she has fed him with cherries .
24 The question surprised her as she had expected him to pick up on her insult .
25 She tried to brush aside memories of the eager , tiny child that Hank had been , a child who had adored his ugly , heavy-footed Ukrainian grandfather , a child who had screamed with rage at her when she had thrust him into the arms of an unknown babysitter or had forced him to play alone in the basement , until he became a silent , morose schoolboy .
26 To be fair , she could n't recall actually hearing him say the boat was his , but he certainly had n't corrected her when she had assumed him to be the owner .
27 Dr Neil had been kind and friendly to her when she had served him breakfast .
28 Edith had been pregnant and alone , the salesman abandoning her when she had told him her condition .
29 This comforted him as it had comforted him half a dozen times this afternoon , but his mind remained basically uneasy .
30 She allowed her fingers to roam , her eyes tightly shut , her mind vividly picturing him as she had seen him for the very first time .
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