Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [vb base] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My conscience tells me that I owe it to God to be grateful to my father , who has spent his time unwearyingly upon my education , so that I may lighten his burden , look after myself and later on be able to support my sister …
2 ‘ It was not so much consideration as intuition , for something tells me that you visit me with some strange intelligence . ’
3 Be pleased to tell them that I remember them with great kindness and great respect .
4 He has also presented several photos to the Society that are new to me and we reproduce one in this Journal — others will follow in further editions .
5 You take your orders from me and I take mine from the Chief Constable .
6 It stayed with me and I keep it under control by taking eight tablets a day — and , of course , avoiding all the lovely cream cakes I used to enjoy .
7 The sweet smell comes to me and I recognise it as horse sweat .
8 I know it must seem an unnecessary fuss to you , Dana , but it 's a big opportunity for me and I want everything to be as perfect as possible , ’ she said urgently .
9 Eating was natural to me and I want it to be normal and natural again .
10 ‘ My dad plays tricks on me and I play them on him .
11 Then , as my breath has now returned to me and I find myself in the company of my bestest friend , it is my considered opinion that we proceed together upon the epic journey and face as one whatever adventures lie before . ’
12 Forgive me if I share them with you , in the hope that they may echo your own sentiments .
13 ‘ Call me if you need me in Theatre — but I 'd just as soon Tim Mayhew did it — I do n't trust myself near that bastard . ’
14 You have to drive them and they 've nothing on their heads .
15 and they 've I gave them to them and they put them on the hedges
16 Well that 's what everybody sings to me when them and they meet me for the first time or get introduced to me .
17 Sometimes that is difficult because we will implement them and we want them to be fairly applied across the Community .
18 Aye well , you might be , the upper half of you , but you 've got to reach them and you do it with your tongue .
19 Eighteen forty six , eighteen forty eight , or eighteen fifty take a guess ca n't you or you have one in three chances this is one I did n't know , who were the Magi ?
20 ‘ I can assure you that I have none of those — er-appendages . ’
21 we get more of you than me get plenty of me on these .
22 You would would n't you if I put you into the freezer .
23 I promise that I will look into it and can I , can report back to you if you wish me to when it comes out .
24 I find I 've found that if you if you get it like that just , you know delete it .
25 Making a will with a solicitor also has the advantage of that you 'll have a copy , he 's likely to look after it for you if you want him to .
26 Well it 's up to you if you want them to s shall I see if I can find a girl and you might try a size ten in the other ones would you like me
27 Louise struggled not to say it — and lost ‘ Ben and I will go with you if you want us to . ’
28 In other words a good mirror signal manoeuvre routine , however you apply it but in a particular order , which gives a discipline , so that you 're keeping yourselves out of the problems that other people may give you if you allow them to .
29 If you if you say something like how far would you of got , if I had n't of called you back
30 Although if you if you say anything to him in Gaelic , he answers you in English I notice .
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