Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 did n't know it was two parts , till I and I thought what a funny way to end , I mean are they dead
2 He told me that he meant me no harm , but was a magician , who had made the music play around me , and wished to have my hand in marriage and live in my castle , with me and my brother , in peace hereafter .
3 These recent watercolours , larger , bolder and stronger than his earlier work , pleased me so much when first I saw them that I offered him an exhibition at Abbot Hall .
4 I tell you what I , the hedging I liked too , is if you can have a hedging that comes , you know , some of the garden centres sell them that you got something every month of the year
5 and to St Giles and they heard about me and they offered me a month 's holiday and they were complete strangers and they gave me a month 's holiday
6 The article made a deep impression on me and I thought what a wonderful coastline it would be to explore .
7 He said yes Mrs well then he followed me in the kitchen , stood behind me and I thought what the hell 's he hanging about for , I 'm gon na take it to him and the , his son- in-law was there
8 Her father 's conviction unhinged what precarious stability she 'd managed to maintain and after she came out of the psychiatric hospital she got in touch with me and I gave her a job .
9 ‘ I thought he was laughing at me , that he did n't want to see me , but then he stopped me and he made me a little bow , just like a real gentleman , and gave me a present , as if he did care .
10 ( ‘ Would you believe me if I called myself a Puritan ?
11 They could have told you what they meant by them and they gave them a currency in terms of their own conduct .
12 and I visited their friends and went to their church with them and they gave me a wonderful time , did everything for me
13 It was two and a half years since I had seen them and it gave me a lot of hope just to know that they were still in good shape , although they both looked much older .
14 If you If you paid it The Co was up on the Tuesday , you had to have it paid Most people tried to pay it for the Thursday and that was the turn of the leaf , on the Thursday and if you paid that then you could go straight away that day and get your new quarter stuff , for the next quarter .
15 He was ever so sorry not to see you but he wished you a merry Christmas . ’
16 " I know how you came by your money , Harry Pascoe , and I know that Sam was only in with you because you gave him no alternative .
17 The men times the hours when whenever you whenever you get your answer , you can check that your men times the hours must still still be the same as it was when you when they gave you the question .
18 Er so I 'm gon na have them but she showed me the small room , what they call the small room , well that was huge well it will be perfect for what we want .
19 In the first place developing countries accepted the loans that were thrust at them because they believed what the West was telling them — that it would be possible for them to industrialize , to develop their economies to the point where paying back the loan later on would be an easy matter .
20 He leaves he leaves all I thought Kath would have phoned me because I wrote her a letter and normally when I write her a letter she sort of , phones about the next day but she
21 I was once a Member of Parliament and one day in the chamber at Westminster , a Puritan , a lozenge of sanctified humility , got up from his arse and roared at me because I called him a blackened turd .
22 In I gave the book to him or I gave him the book , him would normally be considered thematic in FSP theory .
23 Another experience was when he was praying before the crucifix in San Damiano and it seemed to him that it gave him the message , " Build my church " , which he immediately interpreted quite literally as , " Save this church from crumbling into ruins " .
24 She wanted to wound him as he was wounding her so she gave him a charming smile and said , ‘ How did you feel , Fernando , when Maria Luisa slid into your bed at that hour ? ’
25 But on the day he came to the TWW studio to be interviewed , he brought her with him and I thought what a shy , pleasant girl she was .
26 She wrote to him and he sent her a 16mm print , together with letters 12 and 15 pages long , ‘ jammed with such an enthusiasm for movies that words ran together and the pressure he applied to the keys left the paper riddled with holes ’ .
27 She stared at him and he knew what the answer was going to be .
28 He signalled me from Pitt Street and I met him and he gave me the peg [ the notebook entry you both make ] .
29 Apparently she agreed to marry him and he gave her a very valuable ring .
30 Donna joined him and he found her the shortest ones , saying , ‘ You have the short ones .
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