Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The next day I received a telegram informing me that my request to be transferred to clerical duties at the Ministry of the Interior had been granted .
2 ‘ We live in an era in which we accept science and technology as commonplace , ’ Noble and Price conclude , ‘ and we expect them and our architecture to be efficient and functional .
3 The first step is for you and your family to be in complete control of your dog , then you can start acclimatising your bitch to other dogs .
4 Well to-do visitors would have taken it as their right to be given a tour of the house and gardens as they travelled the country in past centuries — today visitors from all over the world come to Blenheim — their entrance fees paying for its up-keep .
5 Given that the people had put him there , the Emperor envisaged it as his duty to be seen as the people 's servant — not just in the matter of governing but in his behaviour as a Sovereign who must associate the people with all aspects of his life .
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