Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [verb] [be] give " in BNC.

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1 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
2 I am therefore pleased to advise you that you have been given the contract for the delivery of 40 ZX Computex reader printers at £75 per drop , making a total charge of £3000 .
3 Well , they were expensive if you had to buy them but they had been given to me , along with a pair of golf shoes , by the Italian company which supplied Jack .
4 His assailants next told him that they had been given three pounds each ‘ to do you up tonight ’ by the ‘ drug squad ’ detective with whom he was already unpleasantly familiar .
5 I do n't think I could have handled it if I 'd been given a sentence .
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