Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [noun] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The smell of the steaming meat tormented them until their mouths slavered and their eyes rolled .
2 All the same , I must tell you that my heart sank when I thought of you getting ready to serve a life sentence of accounting in that ghastly tower block at London Bridge station .
3 Deborah , in Chapter 2 , talks about the celebration that she and her family had when she started hers ; Deborah has a very good self-image and no particular hang-ups about her body .
4 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
5 Her voice trailed off as the two pairs of eyes fixed on her and her head drooped as she said , ‘ That was a silly thing to say .
6 Some of them evidently knew her , for they said ‘ they would not put up with her as her husband did when she was at home and in England ’ .
7 When he saw the saxaphone he told his father about it and his father said that if he could save half the money , he would make up the other half . ’
8 He and his wife tried and tried to have another one and they did , but it took them all those years .
9 I begged the King so often for my freedom that at last he and his lords agreed that I need not be a prisoner any longer .
10 The estate in Bradford where people told us they could not get credit because it had a reputation for housing defaulters ( see Appendix II , section 5 ) is an example of a physical credit ghetto , and depth-interview respondents in Finsbury ( London ) told us that their experience suggested that ‘ it has a bad name for credit ’ .
11 They went out from us but they did not really belong to us , for if they had belonged to us they would have remained with us but their going showed that none of them belong to us .
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