Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [noun] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 at any time you and your colleagues decide that you wish to opt for an alternative option other than sale or ;
2 ‘ Herr Wolff , ’ she said as he started to leave her , ‘ I hope you and your brother understand that , though I am grateful for your trust , I do not admire your judgement .
3 But , for one thing , the sheer size of the defeat made him and his players determined that it would never happen again and , for another , the power of Lillee and Thomson made him realize just what a potent weapon a battery of fast bowlers would be .
4 Mrs Phillips ' sister Bernadette Morrow , told the inquest that the death had left her and her family feeling that Stephen had been neglected .
5 When he saw the saxaphone he told his father about it and his father said that if he could save half the money , he would make up the other half . ’
6 Although both he and his advisers stress that he has a killer instinct ( 'I change when I 'm in the ring' ) , Lewis is articulate , intelligent , and good company .
7 The central point is that he and his advisers recognise that this is now the main task .
8 I begged the King so often for my freedom that at last he and his lords agreed that I need not be a prisoner any longer .
9 He and his father agree that alienated youngsters need to feel part of society again .
10 Sceptics may doubt whether anyone would read it but our survey shows that viewers take PEBs seriously and rate them only slightly less useful than news broadcasts for helping decide how to vote ( though much less useful than news broadcasts for providing information ) .
11 The estate in Bradford where people told us they could not get credit because it had a reputation for housing defaulters ( see Appendix II , section 5 ) is an example of a physical credit ghetto , and depth-interview respondents in Finsbury ( London ) told us that their experience suggested that ‘ it has a bad name for credit ’ .
12 They went out from us but they did not really belong to us , for if they had belonged to us they would have remained with us but their going showed that none of them belong to us .
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