Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [noun] [vb past] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , she and Paul decided on an Osborne & Little design in a soft raspberry colour .
2 She and Rory left on the last train back to Glasgow that night .
3 The night before the wedding , they went out to all their favourite haunts — 1997 , Rick 's Café , the Go-Down — and ended up at two in the morning getting out of a taxi in Wan Chai , the neon blazing in the hot night , dark-eyed Chinese girls in brightly lit doorways , American sailors talking to them while people slept on the pavements and steaming noodles were served at three dollars a bowl at the poor-man 's lean-to restaurant .
4 His dragon had taken a mortal wound as he and Caledor clashed on the battlefield .
5 Malcolm also made that contact when he and Bernie went on a trip up north , searching round textile factories for old fifties cloth to use for making up zoot suits .
6 Most of his news-making troubles began in 1986 when he and Madonna embarked on a movie that never lived up to all the hype and publicity that surrounded it , Shanghai Surprise .
7 The sergeant felt uneasy while he and Blanche stood on the drawbridge .
8 He and Farquhar sat on the deck side by side , panting and groaning .
9 Sometimes Gabriel 's ghost was so physical , so vivid , that Lee would almost cry out to Larry to warn him as he moved through it between the kitchen and the living-room or walked over it as Gabriel lay on the carpet in front of the television .
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