Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb base] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I just get on and do it .
2 Then some great fucking panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get on with it ’
3 Then some fucking great panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get back on with it . ’
4 I know , but sometimes I just get down and do it , but other times I just ca n't if you know what I mean .
5 sorted out and then I just walk along and pick up Stephanie .
6 So , I just go up and shoot . ’
7 I just go out and enjoy it .
8 But I just go out and play the game .
9 When I get really stressed , I just switch off and do n't get too upset about things .
10 I just tune out and let Chrissie take over .
11 Fear that when I finally go in and face it , ready to start , the old revulsion will rise up in me again .
12 I fucking come back and try and put something and go what is this man ?
13 No I always sit down and do me work but sometimes people just distract me all the time .
14 I still go out and have a good time .
15 Well I mean I 've known this bloke , if somebody 's gon na do something like that whether they see it on a film or not , I still go out and do it , they make it .
16 He 'd just gone up and I just I usually get up and turn the fire off and then the television .
17 I usually sit in and watch telly or play sounds until she comes round and then we go out together .
18 If I 've a complicated feature to write , or a problem to solve , I usually duck out and go for a run .
19 ‘ The feeling was indescribable and nowadays when things do n't quite go as planned I often sit back and think of other jockeys who never had a Derby win and who , for the remainder of their careers , will be chasing this elusive rainbow .
20 But I often look back and think well if was the girls who insisted that it 's time mum had a proper automatic washing machine
21 Most days when it is severe , I simply get up and immerse myself in work .
22 I sometimes wake up and think I am still there .
23 be in town , if you only go up and see her if you 're in town could n't you ?
24 That what happens after the first ten minutes , you have to go and do something else , then what happens , you physically get up and do , but you will do something else .
25 You know , you normally go in and rant and rave , we did n't , we did n't today because we said like , I mean I think everybody sensed that , even at three nothing first half .
26 If I had my choice , I 'd rather be left to work something out myself ; instead of it all being set up and you just walk in and take measurements , go away and analyse them , you 'd have to go in and set it all up , then you 'd really learn something .
27 ring my friend if it makes you feel alright it 's ace if you just sit down and listen to the old Beatles is n't it ? feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't be me love ca n't be me love
28 You just weigh up and take so much information in through your eyes do n't you , perhaps this person 's in a panic or they look angry , yeah , this sort of stuff , do it very , very naturally .
29 You just go in and sit down . ’
30 You just go off and have a love feast with the Lord . ’
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