Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb past] [pers pn] at the " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I just saw you at the crossroads you see
2 At this I quickly joined them at the bottom of a long rickety iron ladder which led into the water ballast tanks and found them hauling out several cases which had been concealed there .
3 ‘ My own family was pretty undistinguished , and Stephen had at any rate a respectable reputation in his own field — though I probably overvalued it at the time .
4 I actually advised him at the meeting that he should not and could n't take that motion , and I was by Alderman in that situation , but he still deemed to go ahead and that 's p his prerogative .
5 Once again a very enjoyable evening , erm , I pushed into something that er , I do n't think she really wanted to do initially , but she thoroughly enjoyed it at the end .
6 You probably said it at the end of the 1960s . ’
7 And you probably had it at the time .
8 I remember David started crying but Ralph would not back down and say we deserved the money , or to have some of it , so we just left them at the Brummel Club before doing their thing .
9 I wondered if they still did it at the pictures , 'cos it 's years since I went to the pictures .
10 They nearly blew it at the start of the second half too as Brighton closed in for the kill .
11 They probably did it at the policeman 's ball .
12 He was pulling him , trying to get him off me — he threw him — he just threw him at the bed — I knew he was all right , he were screaming but I could n't — they were both screaming , Cathy and Gary both , and he got me by the throat .
13 For five hours he did n't once open his mouth to offer advice or even give an opinion and , when he checked the takings at the end of the day , although we were two shillings and fivepence light from a usual Saturday , he still handed over the sixpenny piece he always gave me at the end of the week .
14 He also fitted it at the top end of the door .
15 But he certainly had it at the at the I think , it probably maybe still there , I could n't say .
16 It never struck me at the time .
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