Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adv] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Can I just finally say that the whole import of the orders is to ensure that they look at the criteria of authorisation , they are concerned with the authorisation of firms which take public deposits and investments and when that is brought into question , when there is evidence to suggest that those criteria are not being adequately med it must be right to impose a non costly duty on the auditors to bring that about , that is what these orders do tonight , I think they 're an extremely welcome addition to the stable of measures of regulation and they will improve materially depositor protection .
2 That I no longer believe that the government has a majority for this measure .
3 Apparently the demand of the fashion of the time was for Navy blue , and I never even noticed that the slightest change in shade was incorporated into the front and hack panels of a jacket or trousers .
4 She long ago learned that the pressure of fame and the goldfish bowl existence it brings can take a terrible toll .
5 ‘ Do n't you fucking well know that the enemy have been mortaring the village green for the past four or five minutes while you have been playing those fucking bagpipes ? ’
6 Now how is a pensions regulator going to look at those thirty transactions , therefore are you not effectively saying that the pensions regulator may work in areas where pensions regulation actually works now .
7 Having read that , the rest of you probably now think that the author is a sandwich short of a picnic .
8 We somehow both believed that the pregnancy would last forever , that this new state , this immaculate confirmation of roles in life , would never change .
9 We very quickly realized that the cheapest tender was n't always the cheapest in the medium or long term , t to , but we were n't very quick to realize how to put that right .
10 In terms of changes , they more strongly believe that the review has changed allocation of resources , improved resources and led to in-service training .
11 They also readily acknowledge that the symbols are not as important as the impressions , imaginings and emotions they provoke .
12 Along with team manager Keith Fletcher , they both continually insist that the England team is packed with quality players .
13 However , the one problem with traditional methods of family planning is that they almost invariably require that the man be involved as well .
14 Those who dismissed the movies were also dishonest in the sense that they very rarely conceded that the whole tone of feature films had been moulded by politicians and largely middle-class pressure groups and religious organizations who had ceaselessly clamoured for censorship and for films to be morally edifying and uplifting .
15 It only afterwards transpired that the seedy man was not a reporter but his tutor , with whom he was not otherwise acquainted . ’
16 But it just so happens that the Alu family is particularly well equipped to spread by this route .
17 It just so happened that the Rachel killing was at that time . ’
18 Does not that demonstrate that low taxation , low inflation and good industrial relations are the basis for strong investment , including inward investment ; and does it not also show that the future of this country is excellent under this Government ?
19 Is it not absolutely clear that the ’ next steps ’ agency approach of the 1980s proved extremely successful in improving accountability , promoting a better service to the public and giving agency employees greater job satisfaction ?
20 Paul is evidently referring to the Spirit when talking of this power , since he not only prays that the Spirit will reveal it to his readers , but he , in common with other New Testament writers , associates the Spirit with the resurrection of Christ from the dead ( I Tim .
21 Vogel 's book entitled Japan As Number One ( 1979 ) is the epitome of this trend , as he sets a scenario in which he not only predicts that the Japanese economy will be the biggest in the world before the end of the century , but also that Japanese society should henceforth be the model for post-industrial societies .
22 This finding not only reinforces the review that the engram site has been correctly located , it also strongly suggests that the engram is intracellular — it remains stored in the cell but ca n't be communicated when the neurotransmitter is inhibited .
23 He probably also remembered that the Mayor 's son was a commander of a ba battalion that was called Enfant de la
24 It almost certainly suggests that the remaining members of the team have under achieved .
25 But when her hubby heard of her endeavours he hotfooted it upstairs only to discover that the sock where he had hidden £500 was gone .
26 In 1660 the Company of Royal Adventurers had been formed to look for gold , but it very soon realized that the switch to using slaves in the West Indies to grow sugar had transformed the trading situation , and that the Dutch had done very well out of the new developments in the British West Indies .
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