Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 Better find a little dish to put them on so you do n't wa
2 This will not necessarily stop the Not-OK feelings but it at least contains them so that they do n't damage the transaction .
3 That 's what she 's supposed to do according to the Citizens Advice Bureau , is to control them so that she do n't annoy the neighbours
4 Good lecterns today also have space for microphone wiring built into them so that you do n't have wire trailing around the place and looking unsightly , or a big boom mike stand in front .
5 Well I use to have , but I threw them away cos you do n't really need two .
6 I 've got ta look at them separately cos I have n't got the industrial yet .
7 He does n't drop them just because they do n't buy .
8 ‘ They have offered me no protection and told me bluntly if I do n't like the job I can quit . ’
9 erm I ca n't roll them off and I do n't know if it applies in all of them , but it happened to me in Italy that erm I was fined on the spot .
10 I 'm not doing as much homework but bloody hard at school which Roland wo n't appreciate , which really pisses me off cos I do n't
11 ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob — push the door open — go inside — close the door gently behind you so that you do n't wake up anybody else in the house ; now you go to the basin — put the plug in — turn on the tap — it 's a very stiff tap … ’ ( p. 196 ) .
12 Better , no one pushes you away and you do n't fail .
13 game so they can have an effect on the child so that the outcome is better if you just if you do n't get to them till there the child 's done the SATS and it 's over
14 After a concert or disco , if you 've arranged for someone to pick you up and they do n't arrive — speak to the organisers and ask them if you can phone home .
15 I 'll kill you both if you do n't tell me what else she said . ’
16 and erm coming you know we we will sort you out if you do n't
17 What goes on here ? ’ 'I did n't ask you here and I do n't want to see you and I have nothing to say to you , ’ I said , showing her the door but , alas , she seemed to have no intention of going through it , so I capitulated rather too easily and offered her a drink from the mini bar .
18 People can enjoy reading about you even if they do n't like your music and if enough of them do , it improves your chances of more coverage the next time you need it .
19 The current is so high that it can electrify ( and kill ) you even if you do n't actually touch it !
20 Remember , there 's all the rest of us counting on you even though they do n't know it .
21 ‘ I do n't want you hurt , love , you know how much I love you even though I do n't always show it .
22 ‘ I did n't believe you then and I do n't believe you now .
23 I 'll miss you otherwise cos I do n't see much of you .
24 If they had any ideas about bursting into tune they had to abandon them temporarily because I do n't think any of them had breath to blow .
25 you can leave it and get your mum to tell me later that you do n't want any more .
26 Yeah , but the thing is i we can get the steel er and make them up but we do n't have to put them on till later .
27 sitting in and we 're trying to split them up cos we do n't want too
28 But call me up if you do n't have enough .
29 In fact I 'm playing Xerium , of all things , and blow me down , blow me up if I have n't just found out how to get over the Mountains of Zound at long , long last .
30 I 've seen her , well yeah I 've seen them both but I do n't know them , never spoken to them .
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