Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Why is n't , I just love being in the mountains , I mean , it 's just , I daydream about it so much
2 The most important thing for us is the next song , ’ a sensible Tim relates before surging on in overdrive , ‘ I fuckin' love being in The Charlatans .
3 The most important thing for us is the next song , ’ a sensible Tim relates before surging on in overdrive , ‘ I fuckin' love being in The Charlatans .
4 ‘ But do you know , I think the happiest time I ever had was in the army ; though there were some funny times , real bad times .
5 The first medal I ever won was in the egg and spoon race .
6 ‘ Where you and I probably differ is on the question of what to do about it .
7 But what I really want is for the book to be read and enjoyed by the people who read the other books .
8 But I really loved being with the Spencers ’
9 While force and the means of destruction are primarily physical realities , the path to their deployment in the manner we now fear is through the emotions and decisions of beings who are able to achieve a measure of control over their actions .
10 The worst thing they ever did was on the leader page , the last one they got rid of the Extended Titling on .
11 However the girls took the dog upstairs where it wolfed all that was left of the lasagne and went to sleep in front of the hearth , quieter than it ever had been at the Castello Crocetto .
12 He always has been in the past , so the Abwehr have found .
13 The most that the British knew about armies was that intermittently over four or five centuries they got together in a sort of militia or Home Guard in case the enemy arrived , and the necessity of a state to run the affairs of the country for the country 's salvation , was never so present to the British mind as it always has been to the minds of most continental people .
14 At first she sat in silence , stirring her tea as though to get it thoroughly stirred was of the utmost importance .
15 There may however be a way of adapting it to say that the solipsist will be unable to use the term ‘ beetle ’ to communicate with his later self ( in a diary , perhaps ) , since what gives the term its meaning to him now can not be what was then in the box ( an object to which he now has no access ) but what he now thinks was in the box .
16 And any influence of Cézanne that there may be in the Demoiselles as it now appears is of the most general kind .
17 No such co-operation was possible in the sphere of taxation , but then it never had been under the Tsars , so Bolshevik extortion seemed hardly more arbitrary than previous methods .
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