Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They have issued personal protection weapons to construction workers , yet most of them only face danger for the short-term duration of their contracts , ’ he said .
2 He was late because ‘ the police pulled me in to form part of an identity parade . ’
3 Byron Rogers ended his lavishly illustrated piece with the words : ‘ This has been a late twentieth-century fable ’ .
4 the Secretary of State still had to announce his long awaited decision on the Brynhenllys Inquiry and he rejected British Coal 's appeal for a large site at Pwll Du .
5 His much praised history of a village through different voices , different times and very different writing styles .
6 ‘ But the names mean nothing to me because I only take note of the positions people play in .
7 ‘ But the names mean nothing to me because I only take note of the positions people play in .
8 ‘ My money problems are only temporary , I 'd learn to drive if I only had time for the lessons , and you 'd be surprised at how many gadgets I 've learned to use and even repair during the past four years .
9 I only started work for the exam in February . ’
10 I only work part of the week , well , for money .
11 As I was watching the sparks bounce off the curved perspex , I suddenly remembered part of a nightmare I 'd never remembered before .
12 I would not have learnt of this paper so quickly ( and perhaps not at all ) had I not had access to the Internet .
13 Can I , can I just draw attention to an error under paragraph one nine two , the date at the beginning of the second line should be first December , sorry first October , nineteen ninety three , not tenth of December .
14 I just had time for a quick glance into its shelf-ridden depths before it closed , and I saw room after room , opening vistas of eternal reading to my gaze .
15 I just read rubbish on the tube ! ’ ;
16 I generally take pleasure in a more subtle approach .
17 Tinning , who finished sixth in last year 's BMW International in Munich , attributed his new found form to a changed mental attitude .
18 I finally left Luggnagg on a boat sailing to Japan .
19 For instance , returning to that problematic word cunt , I once took part in a discussion in which a woman explained that she did not use that word because for her , its connotations were unrelievedly pornographic .
20 Gail Smith writes ‘ The burden God has given me for Albania took root in 1982 the first time I ever heard mention of the country and people .
21 So I always had meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun .
22 Well , I always look north on a dark night and I think that twice in the last twelve years .
23 But I always give credit to the audience .
24 During that time though I still kept contact with the market and the market traders on a Saturday , and a Thursday , if possible , after I 'd finished , remembering the market stayed open till nine o'clock at night .
25 I still get jelly in the belly , Joe , when I stand up and face those bods . ’
26 I hate to sound sappy , but anything can make me cry , and I still get melancholy during the fall or when the sun goes down .
27 But I still retain sympathy for the misguided foreign tourists who read about its properties as a ‘ gateway to the beautiful western Highlands ’ and end up wandering in dismay down streets that make the Bronx look like Disneyland .
28 Of course , I still had water from the stream , and then … the earth 's plenty … ’
29 I avoided ice cubes , salads and water — I even cleaned my teeth in mineral water — and I still fell prey to a stomach bug .
30 But I still enjoy refereeing in the Northern League . ’
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