Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] do " in BNC.

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1 I just get on and do it .
2 I know , but sometimes I just get down and do it , but other times I just ca n't if you know what I mean .
3 So I just got up and did it .
4 When I get really stressed , I just switch off and do n't get too upset about things .
5 No I always sit down and do me work but sometimes people just distract me all the time .
6 Well I mean I 've known this bloke , if somebody 's gon na do something like that whether they see it on a film or not , I still go out and do it , they make it .
7 He told me just to run around and do some starts , which is the way I guess most athletes begin when they join a club .
8 That what happens after the first ten minutes , you have to go and do something else , then what happens , you physically get up and do , but you will do something else .
9 Department 's tend , eh , the actual service department are very much what I would call practitioner lead , you 've got just people there doing there job and there 've been doing there job for years , and that 's you know , there not , the very rare thing today , erm , thinking of policy sense about the way in which they could change that service , you just get on and do what they 've always been doing .
10 He pushes me to make stuff whilst you just cruise around and do nose feebles all the time .
11 She just got on and did it .
12 Well actually the one thing you can say about it is , it is a good grounding for what you now go on and do
13 " Well , Becky , will you please go off and do your homework ? "
14 So you actually go out and do something about
15 We just went in and did everything for everybody .
16 ‘ The band had only been together a couple of months before we started recording that album , so we did n't have time to think about it too much — we just went in and did it .
17 So what I 'm saying is erm I happen to think that the A L O stuff is some of the most valuable stuff that we do , it 's really one of the main ways forward and if we just sit back and do nothing about it it 's gon na just be wiped out at a a swipe .
18 It has to be said that the world would be a much better place if we just got on and did things instead of waiting for other people to do them on our behalf .
19 ‘ If we simply sit back and do nothing , we could lose both mother and baby .
20 They just go around and do their shopping and ignore
21 The other thing is that they have a general idea of what Osman wants so they do n't bother about instructions , they just go out and do it . ’
22 Such small project teams rarely spend much time meeting or writing reports they just get on and do it .
23 They scarcely venture out and do not take easily to strangers . ’
24 Many of the singers were what we call verpflichtet : they were contracted to do so many performances and they simply turned up and did them .
25 years and then they think , yeah we might do something and then they actually go out and do it !
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