Example sentences of "[pers pn] [pron] [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ch king prawn chow mein with the noodles and stuff and he had whip marks all over him but anyway I ate all that and I did n't have a sweet , , did n't have a sweet and I we went out for a while and on the way home
2 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
3 ‘ While I was enquiring for you I fell in with a party of men who are heading in my direction shortly .
4 Sandra Peden , her that works in the Co-operative she 's a Gold Medallist in Elocution you know , well wait till I tell you she came on in a long Laura Ashley nightdress carrying a Wee Willie Winkie candlestick with wee pink bedsocks and a matching pompom hat and did Holy Willie 's Prayer .
5 I told you we walked off with the , with er Fel Felicity
6 It 's the officers working now who are the only ones who can really tell you what went on in the past .
7 I must admit that we ourselves started out with a strong women 's following , but I think that 's because of society and the way men are brought up not to be so immediately emotional .
8 Between them they came up with a pile of notes and coins .
9 was one which they which fell down with a crash .
10 He was hardly aware of moving , but when he pushed the postern closed behind him she stepped back into the gateway , eyeing him with very human caution .
11 When he opened the door for her she stepped out towards the dark stairs of the barn , her mind still in the bright , airy room , and at the top of the steps she suddenly swayed giddily , pitching towards the stairs .
12 When he tried to upstage her she sauntered down to the front of the stage and such was her control over the audience now , he had to back off , otherwise it would have been he who looked ridiculous .
13 And sh they she was given erm some sort of oh something to put her to sleep or whatever gas and I know sh she seemed to know what she was doing but this lady that was there with her she passed out with the smell of gas in the room so she was n't much help .
14 Then with her crutch to aid her she slipped out of the door and round the blind side of the building , hobbling into the cover of the under-brush .
15 With the dog at heel beside him they walked round to the rear of the house .
16 Of course you can well I knew of a girl who married I would n't say she 'd married well when she started out but her husband was enterprising e eventually got himself quite a good job at the at people who print the bank notes so so that they they started off in a prefab and they ended up with a new four bedroom bungalow with central heating at Athorpe Roding .
17 As I was pulling the institutional door of his office shut behind me he looked up from the reading matter he had taken up again and said , ‘ And Ian — ’
18 ‘ Given that I was one of them it came down to a choice between Gower and Gatting .
19 Scathach and Morthen are the only two children of mine who survived out of a great number .
20 If you did n't get it you went in to the supplementary .
21 ‘ The first time she went out in it she came back into the house giggling that she 'd driven through town with the top down , even though it was freezing .
22 John was keen to help in a practical way and it was he who came up with an idea for marking John 's year in captivity .
23 Watched from above by proscenium cherubs , and in the spirit of One Nation first enunciated by Disraeli and all that , Michael Stardust held forth , he who walked out of the Cabinet and resigned .
24 She watched him turn to one of the inner doors , his head somehow lowered , and when he reached it he looked back with an aggressive jerk of his head .
25 As soon as she took it he went over to the window and stood gazing out at the rain .
26 Those who were sheltering behind assumed identities were discouraged from getting in touch with their friends and families , so it was a small group of us who sat down in a classroom .
27 But in saying that I 'll go ahead , I 'll go ahead with what Robert said although it seems as if erm between us we picked up on a lot of things , there was some objections that Martin threw at you that I thought you handled particularly well .
28 With that behind us we moved on to the interaction of language and context which defines language function ; to the possibility of establishing overall structures of discourse related to particular discourse types ; and to conversational mechanisms ( although they might also be regarded , like cohesion , as formal devices linking smaller units ) .
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