Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] well [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I build up my business the way I hope I can , I may well need a partner .
2 However , as I steered our motor dory into the tricky south landing with the tide pouring through jagged rocks , intermittently obscured by swell and sea tangle , I could well imagine the island 's isolation in winter and bad weather .
3 Now this does n't alter for one moment my recommendation of this as a superb performance , but I can well imagine a non-violinist , with less understanding of the extraordinary soloistic skill involved , homing in on and lambasting the accompaniment , giving only an average rating as a result .
4 If someone goes away on holiday , you may well give the key to a neighbour , they probably know a relative of yours or somebody like that that if anything does happen they can contact you or your relative to come down and check the house over .
5 By reinforcing your own dominance , you may well steal the thunder of the antagonists .
6 Then you may well find a lot any extra memory .
7 Attempting to stop the rotation directly may make matters worse , since you may well push the rudder stick the wrong way .
8 You may well have a computer at home or have used one somewhere else .
9 Er if you were a fairly decent criminal though you , you may well have a look through the windows to see if you can see any detectors on the wall , just to confirm it , because by now you 'd be thinking that a lot of these are dummies .
10 You may well have a copy of a video of a typical school day that you use at induction meetings .
11 You may well require a pile of paper about a foot high , because the techniques employed require wide margins and much blank space .
12 She may well have a thing or two to teach the Goldsmiths ' graduates about handling the demands of the art world and media .
13 In these days of widespread family planning , you might well think the number of unwanted pregnancies is on the decline .
14 Thus you might well commence a let-down miles away from the NDB , thinking that you had passed overhead .
15 significantly less and so you might well consider the need to use this means
16 You might well ask the moon .
17 We may well reach a situation in which all trials are held in the area in which they arise , and London retains special importance chiefly as the centre of appellate courts for the south of England .
18 If we are listening to a story and somebody says So I ate it we may well know the meaning of it from somewhere earlier in the story .
19 We may well endorse the saying regarding him who had so much to do with road-making in the Highlands and islands ; ‘ if you had seen these roads before they were made you would have blessed brave General Wade , ’ and wish prosperity to the Highland Railway Company .
20 We should not only lose , against eight times our numbers , but we might well tempt the Forteviot garrison to come out and rescue us , and the fort would be taken . ’
21 If the Government 's agricultural land tenancy reform proposals go through , which I rather hope they do , it 'll be a little while yet , we could well see a change in the security of tenure issue , which might make it easier to achieve er , vacancy and vacant possession .
22 If that gap is n't narrowed , we could well see a backlash as business doing their bit for the environment lose heart at the apparent lack of consumer interest .
23 They may well feel the case against your brother is substantially weakened by what 's come to light .
24 In theory , things can only get better ; in practice , they may well become a lot worse before Wasps return in the league next March .
25 If accepting shareholders feel that the offeror has behaved badly , they may well accept a cash offer but feel reluctant to invest on a long-term basis in the offeror .
26 Other teaching unions said they might well boycott the plan .
27 They might well send a priest to you , ’ he said to his own image , and reached for the clean shirt Langholme had laid ready for him .
28 The political ground could not have been better for a new middle party and many , including myself , thought that they could well achieve the breakthrough they sought .
29 He reminded the Treasury that in 1856 he had made it a policy that all public buildings in London should be open to competition and not given as a matter of course to one of his officers , and if their Lordships did not want to hold another competition , they could well appoint the winner of the Foreign Office design , as the judges had selected the prize-winning schemes ‘ not only in regard to their external appearance , but more especially on account of the excellence of their internal arrangements ’ .
30 At all events the Treasury was opposed to new forms of central economic control ( or planning ) not least because they could well mean the loss of its own authority .
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