Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] have [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I could have the same result again , I would be delighted , ’ said Yorath after naming his squad for the November 18 game .
2 Most of the pages have a lot of empty space , but you must have the same amount of space available for each account , otherwise your numbering system wo n't work .
3 It 's a plea which we suggest should make the timetable serve the child and not the reverse , and so what we 're doing is we 're saying to children erm ‘ Yes , you are of the same worth , you are of equal value , you should have the same care , love attention and the same resources ’ .
4 If you must , then you ca n't do better than to buy a plastic ‘ Snake ’ ; but we doubt if you 'll have the same degree of reverence for it as for our other suggestions in nylon .
5 You 'd have the same problem with the blinds you 're trying to avoid with er
6 So , I mean , say in about three or four years time you you 'd have the same level of cover
7 Is there any danger that erm that it could happen more , er that you could have the same happening say in Flats as a similar thing happening say in erm more middle class areas , such as , yet erm there being more risk of of it of it of erm parents losing the child , say in some areas such as Flats , and yet in ,
8 The same as , I , them that buys our 'ouse , they 'll have to pay whatever it cost for 'em to value our 'ouse , see if it 's worth lending money , we 'll have the same thing with er bungalow , down there .
9 Erm , hopefully we 'll have the same effect that 'em they had in Basildon and erm .
10 Ca n't we at least suppose that we might have the same experience on the Sun ? ’
11 Ca n't we at least suppose that we might have the same experience on the Sun ? ’
12 As they try to restore their original position by recalling discount market loans , we shall have the same circumstances as those described above but now deliberately engineered by the Bank .
13 All in all , we shall have the same problems as we would have had if the poll tax had remained .
14 Formally , we would have the same force if we assumed ( as many textbooks do ) that a magnetic field moving with a velocity in gives rise to a force
15 They may have the same selection but a different gradation .
16 The first is a moral one , that if chimpanzees are really like man they may have the same capacity to understand what is happening to them and imagine their futures , which would make laboratory studies , especially physiological interventions , unacceptable .
17 If the keywords are ever removed and re-entered , they must have the same attributes as before .
18 That they should have the same number of seconds but be taxed for using them .
19 Third , they would have the same percentage — 55.6 — of the list votes as they did of the actual constituency votes .
20 What is so interesting is that despite that disastrous performance , Labour 's policies have hardly altered — and they would have the same effect again .
21 Instead of taking it over a thirty five year period , what you would then have is that you go up very steeply let's say by putting lump sums or er regular capital premiums erm which you 'll receive a tax refund and then it stops but the benefits of the fund keep going so at age sixty they would have the same effect of reaching your pension there with no contributions
22 At the Watford Gaumont , which I managed , people would come in dinner dress and they would have the same seat every week .
23 They will have the same powers as the larger UDCs , but above all they will create the business-friendly environment and single minded approach which are the necessary preconditions for regeneration . ’
24 They they will have the same script almost and say this is a free of charge item , all we need from you is this this and this and if you 're interested I 'm gon na ask a marketing executive to come in and agree a contract with you .
25 It follows that P , Q can be constructed from I by elementary operations ; accordingly , if any such product , provided only that P , Q are non-singular , A and B are equivalent matrices ; and in particular , they will have the same rank .
26 And now it may have the same problem over here .
27 A series of bipartite agreements , each allocating a particular territory to a retailer would be treated entirely differently from a ( registrable ) multipartite agreement regarding exclusivity , though it may have the same effect .
28 It should have the same meaning for each person , whatever his contribution to the world , whether it be that of a labourer or that of the highly qualified expert in , for example , quantum mechanics or any other of those disciplines for the erudite which , to the laity border on unreality .
29 The Bishop ordained that the Vicar of Hailing should receive as his portion £5 10s yearly and that he should have the same acreage of land as the vicars of old possessed and also " all oblations what so ever within the bounds and limits of the parish , all the tithes of hay , lambs , wool , mills , calves , chicken , pigs , geese , ducks , eggs , bees ' honey , wax , cheese , milk , milk-meats , flax , hemp , pears , apples , garden herbs , pigeon houses , and merchandise , fisheries , pastures , onions , garlic and saffron , also the tithes , sheaves cultivated either by plough or spade and also the tithes of wood for fuel , coppice wood , thorns , rushes , faggots and fardells , within the bounds of the Parish , all of which the vicars and his successors shall have "
30 Officials said he would have the same message for all — the time has come to revive direct Arab-Israeli negotiations .
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