Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] also [vb infin] [noun prp] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I could also support Chris 's resolution if I thought it was realistic to hope for an adequately funded public transport system in , in the foreseeable future .
2 And she should also remember Israel 's small size .
3 The seminar will take place at the Science Museum , where you can also see Mike 's exhibition Running on Air — the Nike Exhibition of Sports Shoe Technology .
4 Here we should also note Gustave 's apocryphal ancestry : he liked to claim that he had Red Indian blood in his veins .
5 ( We shall also take Halliday 's model as our example of pluralism , because its application to language , and in particular to grammar , has been worked out in considerable detail . )
6 It is possible that they may also affect IFN γ binding to other cells involved in the colonic mucosal immune response .
7 They must also overlook Jesus ' specific illustration of the barrier which prevents real contact between the spirit-world and earth ( Luke 16:26f ) .
8 They will also supply Honda 's Swindon plant with panels for the new Honda Accord .
9 It is tempting to react sourly to a string of major infrastructural projects in south-east England though , in truth , they will also help Scotland 's connections , particularly with continental Europe .
10 If it is to be a Christology , it must also concern Christ 's person — whereupon all the problems which Christology entails are again present .
11 It will also distribute Tandy 's Victor Technologies personal computer line .
12 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA and Novell Inc duly announced the signing of a Master Business Agreement , which covers full support of NetWare within the Olivetti Open System Architecture and joint marketing activities between the two : Olivetti is taking NetWare for Unix and will do a version for System V.4 on Intel Corp iAPX-86 and on its MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC-based machines ; it will also take Novell 's System Fault Tolerant III technology for some servers , including multiprocessor machines , and they will be fully integrated with Novell 's NetWare Management System .
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