Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] never [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays I keep huge lists of every person , organisation and publication connected with birds , so I hope I 'll never again have the problems I had finding that owl .
2 I could never quite get a picture of her from Elizabeth .
3 I could never never love a man who habitually carried a torch .
4 I will never again destroy every living creature as I have done .
5 And it , it becomes you 'd never actually get the thing printed and you 'd never actually get the thing distributed because you , you , you 're wondering what to put in , what not to put in as it were and sticking to the specifics er at least it 's getting it 's getting something out and I do n't , personally I do n't see any , any real problem in personalizing it further and as much to indicate , right , without obvious prejudice to the new union erm to indicate er in , in some general or specific sense , if that does n't sound like sort of like contradictory , on on the , the , the betterment of , of representation for members within , within Northumberland come unison .
6 And it , it becomes you 'd never actually get the thing printed and you 'd never actually get the thing distributed because you , you , you 're wondering what to put in , what not to put in as it were and sticking to the specifics er at least it 's getting it 's getting something out and I do n't , personally I do n't see any , any real problem in personalizing it further and as much to indicate , right , without obvious prejudice to the new union erm to indicate er in , in some general or specific sense , if that does n't sound like sort of like contradictory , on on the , the , the betterment of , of representation for members within , within Northumberland come unison .
7 Forever on the move , meeting new faces , constantly in demand socially whenever she was off duty , Liza Tremayne found that there were longer and longer periods between the days when she still suffered black despair over the thought that she would never again see the man she so resembled in character and who had given her , had she known it , more love than he had ever bestowed upon any other woman .
8 " You will never again leave the house without my permission … and I want to know who let you back in last night . "
9 But she can never entirely master a human soul — not unless you consent to it !
10 Most will tell you that you can never entirely trust a ‘ tame ’ leopard and some have the scars to prove it .
11 We may never fully understand the causal circumstances which produce this bizarre unpredictable relation between abrupt accidents and perceived pain because no one is going to carry out experimental manipulations .
12 Often we 'd stalk a herd for days on end , and all that time we 'd never even catch a glimpse .
13 Mr Kinnock said : ‘ The battle is not yet over , the battle for the survival of the National Health Service , for proper investment in children who go to local maintained schools , to protect learning and independence in the universities and broadcasting , to secure freedom of information and reform of our democracy , and ensure we shall never again get a government that will use unemployment and recession as its main economic weapon . ’
14 During the debate Roy Hattersley , the deputy leader , argued that it would be ‘ historic folly ’ for Labour to back proportional representation ; inevitable coalitions would mean that ‘ we would never again have a Labour government that was able to carry out a Labour programme ’ .
15 Unless we dissolve a granule directly in 1.75 litres of water we will never actually reach the next LM level but simply continue towards the potency level determined by the dilution factor .
16 This brings me back to my main theme , the need for more concentrated and co-ordinated work on manufacture and distribution , for without it , we will never fully understand the history of the development of the coarse wares , stylistically or chronologically .
17 Although they may never fully understand the practice and culture of the examinations committees , students on the Modular Course do not feel assessment , examinations and awards to be one of the great mysteries of life .
18 Engels was at a loss to explain the Junker refusal to accept that after the French Revolution they could never again command the total obedience and respect they had once enjoyed from a cowed and illiterate peasantry .
19 They could never again claim the right to be above the scrutiny of the media .
20 Nicholson remained slightly ahead of his group so that they could never quite see the expression of disdain of his face .
21 Here are some examples : they can see in the dark they can never ever tell a lie when they are with other people they know what they are thinking they are living backwards in time — they were born in the future and so instead of getting older , they get younger .
22 He always found that , while he could never exactly fix the wording of the good ones , the bad remained indelibly printed on his brain , accurate to the last comma .
23 She had endowed the marriage ( and he could never really like the fellow ) most extravagantly out of her invested money , rather than taking a dip among the jewels that she never wore .
24 Pacy wing once told to give up rugby because he would never even make a club player .
25 — God 's promises to Noah that he would never again send a flood upon the earth ( Genesis 9:9 ) .
26 For several days after his death she had lain in the sagging double bed with a bolster by her side to stop her rolling into the hollow created by Nahum 's bulk , unaware that he would never again make the springs protest at his weight .
27 Again at Easter he is arguing over his fee for attending the Archbishop at Canterbury and threatens that unless he is payed the sum of twenty shillings a day for three days he would never again obey the Archbishop 's mandate .
28 When morning dawned he knew he would never again follow the old man up to that room .
29 Like the checks in Hofmann 's pianos , it will dissipate some of the energy of the returning hammer but it will never completely exclude the possibility of the hammer bouncing .
30 John Major had no real choice of date this time , but March and April gave him such a nail-biting experience that he will never again postpone an election until so near the terminal date .
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