Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] take [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Prototype materials were tried out in these schools with the help of field curriculum workers ( mobile teacher trainers whose story we shall take up in a later chapter ) and later refined and distributed in final form to a further eight hundred schools with a similar scale of supervision , in the hope that these would serve as a nucleus in each state for further dissemination to other schools .
2 The development officers felt that 50 would be about the maximum number of new cases they could take on over a 12 month period .
3 Results will be given as quickly as possible , but some experts fear they could take up to a month if demand is high .
4 Often the Phantasms — daemon-masked , each dabbed with different costly scents , and gowned in luminous silk appliquéd with lascivious emblems — would bomb around the broad upper avenues on their jet-trikes , and through almost deserted midnight malls , seeking stylised mayhem with another brat gang or hunting for an odour bar or an elegant brothel which they could take over for a few hours before fleeing just ahead of a Judge patrol .
5 The primary reason for this move was not a desire for increased tax revenue , welcome as this no doubt was , but , rather , an expression of the Government 's opposition to people enjoying a larger income when out of work than they could take home in a wage packet .
6 In fact , it may take up to a week before your bank actually receives the money .
7 But what racing could give after one good day , it could take away after a bad one .
8 However , it could take up to a week before he can open his eyes .
9 During the famous Intermezzo the conductor asked Mascagni if he would take over for a moment .
10 The idea of curriculum review has been brought into the schools ' arena , though whether it will take off as a regular and meaningful exercise seems doubtful .
11 Some scientists believe that it can take up to a thousand years for virgin forest to be truly established .
12 biopsy on Tuesday , and it can take up to a week
13 It takes half an hour to get from Bournemouth to Southampton , but it can take up to an hour to get from Barts to the Westminster hospital .
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