Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] say [that] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I must say that the standard of high jumping is very good this year .
2 I must say that the way the discussion has gone this morning , is n I would say , slightly disappointing because there is some attempt to make a positive contribution , but at the moment it 's not necessarily pointing us quite in the direction which we would hope to go .
3 I must say that the Methodists had the edge when it came to music and poetry , and Granda used to encourage me to take part .
4 While this letter may not be similar to certain ones you 've had recently , I must say that the Morrissey saga has been somewhat overplayed , do n't you think ?
5 I should say that the figures of seventeen percent , nineteen percent , twenty eight percent and twenty three percent , the first four figures , are figures on the A fifty nine .
6 I should say that the markings on the copy you 're receiving are mine , they were not made in the context of this discussion .
7 Wittgenstein pointed out that no account is satisfactory that assumes that a human somehow surveys the alternatives and chooses one : ‘ It is as if I should say that the application of a word does not pass in one moment in front of my eye ’ ( 1964 : 15 ) .
8 Lili frowned , and I wondered what would happen if I should say that the wedding was cancelled .
9 I might say that the members of the panel have actually read all your submissions , so do n't feel obliged to go through them word for word in the same way as for example , you might be presenting a proof at a planning enquiry .
10 Perhaps I might say that the problems with RECHAR , the Government consider , are entirely in the court of the European Commission .
11 Being a bit hard up for anything new to tell you in this section I 'll say that the weight of the guitar is medium/light and , true to form , it balances perfectly whether you choose to sit or stand while playing .
12 Except er I , I mean I 'd say that the income funds actually performed quite well , if you did n't look at the capital value .
13 The the particular point that that I wish to pick up on though was from M Mr Curtis and his reference to erm the draft P P G thirteen , and whilst I 'd say that the point of the H B F that it 's only a draft publication at this stage , there 's in my view been too mu much over reliance on the reference in there to self containment , you see if we look at that particular paragraph , two point one two , it actually says avoid the development of small new settlements which are not to , sorry , I 'll start that again , avoid the development of small new settlements which are not be likely to be well served by public transport , or which will not be largely self contained .
14 Nora and I used to say that the war did them all a power of good .
15 I would say that the CNAA was responsible for establishing the arts in higher education , first as subjects valid for higher education , and second as subjects valuable to the country , in other words it helped to establish a national reputation for the arts at this level , which had never existed before .
16 I work for Team Sport Scotland and part of my reignement is erm coordinator for women and girl 's football and I find that with the equal opportunities policies of many of the education regions now that more football is being played in primary and in secondary school and the district councils I go to visit I would say that the majority of them are definitely wanting to put money into promoting girl 's and women 's football .
17 Er I mean , I I would say that the majority of people in this office , carry a lot of erm anxiety and pressure home with them .
18 I would say that the child is capable — more or less — of recognizing that other people have mental states different to his own .
19 So I would say that the North Yorkshire er figure in summary , goes in the right direction but not far enough .
20 I would say that the criteria that 's that 's sent out at the moment is is far too strict for the lot , a lot of women and at the moment you 're expected to be skeletal , whereas th , you can very well be thirteen stone and anorexic it 's , it depends on your attitude towards food .
21 But I would say that the way to look at this site is to ask whether it is part of the built area , in other words whether it is built on , or whether it is not part of the built area , in other words it is not built on .
22 I think that the schools have to fight this image , but I would say that the girls themselves more recently are also changing their ideas of themselves and we are making progress .
23 In conclusion I would say that the book itself is good and the style is brilliant , as you are able to see things so well through the eyes of Finn .
24 Er I would say that the impact of the development if it goes ahead must be limited at that distance .
25 About those two things I would say that the number of houses requiring demolition is very small , and as has been observed already , a road is not an inappropriate use in the greenbelt .
26 But I would say that the police are working full-time on rural crime and are always there to serve the community .
27 In English terms I would say that the property that Russell left is worth about ninety to a hundred thousand pounds .
28 Erm I would differ er , with that opinion because I would say that the comment as a joint comment would erm have to deal with the general skills and abilities
29 So , I would say that the design , the actual literal design , the graphics part of the projects I work on , is twenty percent of the work and the rest is all trying to explain and get it understood .
30 Nevertheless having said that , er I would say that the County Council 's moved as far as it believes it possibly can do to meeting some of the requests of the the district in providing what we consider a generous , and what other people might consider a overly generous allocation of land .
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