Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] have [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 My phone number is not the one listed on this article as I may have moved to a new address by the time you read this .
2 Bill thought I 'd died on him the other night cos I was , you know , me breathing and everything , and then all of a sudden I must 've relaxed for a bit and not needed to breathe and he give me a shock he says God I thought you were dead .
3 I must have touched on a sensitive spot . ’
4 Travelling by bus at night in winter could be a chilling experience , so my mother made me anklets from the fur cuffs of an old coat ; these stayed on by means of snap fasteners , and I must have looked like a poodle , but they provided considerable comfort .
5 I could n't blame her , I must have looked like a platoon of Japanese snipers behind all that foliage .
6 They are not quite what I should have expected from a man like Serafin .
7 An exasperated Josh Gifford claimed — with much justification — that ‘ I should have won by a furlong .
8 Only the day before I might have prayed for a stray round to puncture the car and my coffin and put me out of my endless misery .
9 ‘ How did ye mean , I might have worked in a circus ? ’
10 If only I 'd gone along with the doctor 's proposals , it would have been over by now — completely and painlessly over , and any feelings of guilt I might have had as a result I would surely have dealt with ages ago .
11 I might have wished for a little less detachment in the Rodrigo ( the adagio in particular is rather cool ) , but the Villa-Lobos offerings suit Kraft down to the ground .
12 I 'll have finished in a couple of hours .
13 If I could have asked for a gift , I suppose it would have been the ability to make a living as a musician .
14 ‘ It was my own choice to stay there , when I could have gone to a hotel . ’
15 Although , at that moment I could have done with a little less myself .
16 I could have done with a hand . ’
17 I could have done with a little more natural variation in the sound , but seeing that all Kirk is probably going to do with it is leave it on the neck pickup , knock all the middle off at the amp and turn it up to an excruciating volume , it does n't have to be the most variable guitar in the world .
18 I could have done with a few .
19 I could have done with a bit of support from you once in a while .
20 I could have done with a bit of weeping and gnashing of the old teeth .
21 My time would only be impressive if clocked by sundial but I was pleased with it , though I could have done with a couple of gym sessions to get in shape .
22 If I could have thought of a use for it at the time , I would have stayed and bid .
23 I could have thought of a marginally more interesting way for us to spend the evening together , but it would have been harder to review .
24 I RECENTLY found a wallet containing credit cards which I could have used in a dishonest way .
25 ‘ After Jaws I could have pissed in a pot and they would have paid me something , ’ he says .
26 I 'd have asked for a final orgy myself , but each to his own .
27 The voice was not what I 'd have expected from a girl who 'd been playing house with a mug like Mahoney .
28 If you 'd known me when I was 12 or 14 , there was no way I 'd have got near a stage .
29 I 'd have cried , I 'd have brooded for a long time .
30 I 'd have banked for a draw actually
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