Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [conj] it is " in BNC.

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1 I dare say he felt that all this modern stuff was a bit beyond him , and I must admit that it is getting beyond me .
2 Even when you have decided a broad direction , and I should emphasize that it is only possible to set ambitions in a broad sense and only helpful so to do , there will inevitably come times when external events show that one has made a false assessment of one 's starting point or the ability of one 's competitors , known or unsuspected , to seize the initiative .
3 I should suppose that it is deliberately not so expressed , for I can not think that so simple an expedient as the transfer of assets to a company resident in the United Kingdom and the immediate removal of that company outside it would not occur to the draftsman .
4 I should say that it is our intention to offer the Cyprus holiday as first prize with the five runners up receiving £100 B&I Travel Vouchers , if this is an acceptable way of dividing up your donation to us .
5 The description may be more precise than you or I might offer but it is a description for all that .
6 I wish that I could say that it is my experience that Christians are above this sort of thing , but it is not .
7 One might suggest that the vibrancy in the Philippine health movement is a measure of the critical nature of the struggle but I could argue that it is a product of the manner in which the struggle is being waged .
8 I , I 'd suggest that it is a good bet , particularly if you think that erm if we do get rising inflation , er in the next year we could be , I mean the projected figures are round about er , by the middle of next year , round about five percent .
9 So I would emphasise that it is very valuable to measure suffering ; suffering is associated with poor welfare but there can be poor welfare in the absence of suffering .
10 Well , I think I would emphasise that it is this particular kind of detective story that I find interesting .
11 Erm first of all Chairman I would confirm that it is our view that with a provision of six thousand five hundred for Harrogate district , we do n't think we 'd be looking at a new settlement to serve our needs , erm , having said that , we support the Greater York strategy , and we we certainly the level of provision erm for Greater York as proposed by the County Council , er but leaving aside for one moment the issue of a new settlement , it is our view that we 'll be able to accommodate the level of growth that I think is anticipated in our district , erm , within the figures , and I 'm referring specifically to N Y one , and the table on the last page where there 's an indication there of the sort of of er housing numbers that would would have to be accommodated within Harrogate district , and and our part of Greater York is essentially a rural character consisting of a a number of small villages , so there there we have er a total figure of two hundred dwellings to be provided within our part of Greater York , that basically represents erm existing commitments and a a yield from small sites in the future , perhaps conversions , and we'r we 're quite happy with that .
12 I would guess that it is an 8:1 .
13 I would suggest that it is the ‘ tieless in Soho ’ fashion among designers and actors that is a passing phase .
14 I would suggest that it is probable that Marx , as a materialist , would not have disagreed with Bukharin 's exposition of the case , since Marx 's own illustrations of simple and extended reproduction were implicitly based upon the same assumptions .
15 Mr Newman added that ‘ you do n't need an accountant to prepare your cash flow statements every month ; indeed I would suggest that it is dangerous to do so as it is your business , your livelihood . ’
16 I would suggest that it is highly unlikely that sufficient numbers of Timbury type continuing care units will be provided .
17 I would argue that it is the mastery of processes which determine , shape and qualify context ( in every academic area ) which will be of significant long term value to the child .
18 I would argue that it is possible to consider both literacy and social change from a perspective which avoids such distinctions and such determinism and which allows us to develop a model from which new and interesting research questions can emerge .
19 However , as with the similar topic of literacy , I would argue that it is important to separate out bilingualism and bilingual education because teachers ' personal experience and education gives them a particular view of the phenomenon .
20 I would contend that it is a major strength of the British legislation that the MMC did not have to decide whether the firms had ‘ really colluded ’ .
21 I would say that it is better in many respects than it was ’ .
22 I am quite aware it would take a far wiser head than mine to answer such a question , but if I were forced to hazard a guess , I would say that it is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart .
23 Clearly no product is flawless but I can honestly find nothing but praise for the 103/4 ; indeed I would say that it is one of the best , most naturally balanced loudspeakers that I have used , regardless of price .
24 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
25 I intend to start with the Dwarf Angel , and after three months I will put in a very young Regal Tang , which I would keep until it is three inches long .
26 It is this flexibility and remarkable performance that makes the Beaver so versatile , and I would imagine that it is ideally suited to Tony 's purposes .
27 However , I would add that it is best for you to experiment with your paper stretching technique .
28 I would add that it is of importance to the Bank for the purposes of its own domestic supervision and in order to safeguard the interests of depositors that : ( a ) it is aware of any serious breaches of local law in any other jurisdictions in which an authorised institution conducts its business and of any steps taken by overseas supervisors in the event of such breaches ; and ( b ) where , because of the multi-national nature of an institution , the Bank is in part dependent upon overseas supervision , that supervision is conducted in an effective manner .
29 Edward knew he was being pampered and , in his letters to Helen about his friendship with Gwili 's sister , he confessed that ‘ in fact it was partly you that I saw when I held her : I hope I shall never forget her ; then I shall feel that it is possible to love another even though I am all and ever yours , little one .
30 I hope that it will be possible — though I shall understand if it is not — for a Minister to come to the House to say something about that major incident , which involved the jetty at Grangemouth , which is part of the dock and BP complex .
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