Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] do [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
2 Yeah , I 'll just do an order for the stores .
3 OK , I 'm not doing those , I 'll just do the tea
4 I 've recorded a lot of stuff with song writers whose work I like , but I 'll probably do a cover version as my first single because , as a TV presented I 'm bound to get a lot of flak at first . ’
5 Well I thought I 'd just do a freezer shop anyway — just the basics basically plus one or two Little Extras , just the odd thing Derek likes , just in case …
6 I 'd never do a thing like that ! ’
7 I would rather do a cross-word puzzle than try a revenue appeal . ’
8 Better stop and walk to the Post Office Sorting Office — the light is closing in and I would rather do the mile there and mile back in daylight .
9 I would normally do the PM first thing tomorrow but they are n't expecting me back at the hospital until Monday and the PM room is tied up until the afternoon .
10 I will probably do a film in America next year , ’ she confirmed late in 1989 .
11 ‘ Now that I 've had the frocks made , I think I will definitely do the pantomime — even if they have to suspend me from pegs , ’ she declared .
12 Approximately that now I 've it 's very y'know woolly , most people do n't bother but you should really do the scatter plot to see whether a relationship is linear as opposed to something like that which would be curvier linear .
13 Because her expectations were realistic , she accepts without rancour the fact that she must either do the work herself or employ someone to do it for her .
14 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
15 If you balance , tape recordering , but , but you notice one particular piece that you would rather do an essay on rather than that bit there .
16 Doors with wood or aluminium frames are widely available from builders ' merchants and timber yards , and you can either do the work yourself or call in a local builder to do it for you .
17 Wood , steel and aluminium frames are widely available from builder 's merchants and timber yards in a range of traditional standard patterns and sizes , and you can either do the work yourself or call in a local builder to do it for you .
18 You can even do a bit of water-skiing if you fancy it . ’
19 Similarly , you can even do a smash serve .
20 and when you 've finished it you can then do a picture about your
21 You can still do a lot , but you 'll need a different approach .
22 Modern methods are all very well , but you can still do a lot with a hammer and chisel .
23 No matter what your score , you can still do the diet in Part Two .
24 When eavesdropping ( a vicarious ghost-life he goes in for ) , he hears Raskolnikov tell Sonya about the crime , and later , without openly referring to it , the potential suicide twits the actual murderer : Sell , you can certainly do a lot . ’
25 One recalls Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov , the potential suicide twitting the actual murderer with ‘ well , you can certainly do a lot ’ .
26 So you can all do a summary , every single one of you , okay .
27 alright , fair enough , if , if the , if the deformity is mobile that means you can move it , you can actually do a lot of manipulation and physiotherapy and that can work very well .
28 Today we 'll just do a visualisation and try to remove what 's left of your father 's blocking device . ’
29 No no , we 'll just do the right .
30 Well I think we 'll actually do a bit of a debrief , yeah ? we should be finished .
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