Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [verb] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 When I find a guitar I like I 'll just buy multiples of that exact one !
2 She said : ‘ I 'll always find loads of material on High Row . ’
3 I 'll always have memories of her , of course , but she 's in the past now .
4 I am afraid I could only manage part of the meal and I cut out the second and third courses completely , and only had gravy and vegetables for the third , but most people at my table went right through the menu !
5 ‘ You mean , I could now have cancer of the lung ? ! ’
6 I was soaked to the skin , my hands so cold I could hardly keep hold of the tiller .
7 I could never visit Kyle of Lochalsh without feeling an impelling urge to go across to Skye , and now , in writing this book , which was originally intended to be about the mainland only , I find that I simply can not pass the island by without a further look at its highlight , the Black Cuillin .
8 We ca n't stop the change , I 'd rather become part of it .
9 Without following Jakobson 's analysis in detail — it does not make for easy reading — I shall simply give examples of the sort of relationship he identifies under each of these headings .
10 I shall not necessarily take the hon. Gentleman 's figures on the disabled as being correct , but I shall certainly make inquiries of British Coal to find out what the position is , and I shall write to the hon. Gentleman .
11 ( 13.1.94 ) I will then keep track of who 's doing the best .
12 I will certainly take note of your views , sir . ’
13 I if I can just remind participants of what we said in our original objection , that further justification will be required to demonstrate that the level of detail proposed in the deposited policy H two is not incompatible with P P G three and does not involve over detailed or unduly restrictive policy guidance .
14 Yeah , I 'm , I 've got another form , I can just take note of any other er personal pension , not personal pension , any erm other insurance you 've got , just put it on there and , and that 's
15 It is not a very demanding version of the chase , especially on Sundays , when you may well see rows of gunmen in position only a few easy yards from the hotel where they mean to have lunch .
16 Okay , right , erm it 's nearly time to go , but before we do , can I just give you some bits and pieces , you , you may well have copies of last year 's exam paper , but if you have n't , this is for development and integration of trade er , have a look at those sorts of essays you 're being asked to do .
17 But you must also find ways of working alone and becoming more self-reliant .
18 So the advice is , and I 'm not an investment advisor , it 's because of the exemption you must always take advantage of all tax exempt forms of savings before you look at anything else .
19 You should also give details of all endorsements ( without disqualification ) .
20 You would anyhow not expect on this occasion any words of wisdom from me , indeed my wife and four daughters would doubtless tell you that you should never expect words of wisdom from me .
21 In some cases it can be difficult or even impossible to find texts again ( for example if the text is a lecture , or a television programme ) , but you should still keep details of them as fully as possible , so that your reader knows exactly where ideas or words come from .
22 If you are lucky you might also catch sight of an otter around the burn .
23 You 'll both get copies of it . ’
24 You 'll also see remnants of Dartmoor 's obsolete industries , warrening/rabbit breeding — and tin mining .
25 effect of a Wurli I mean , that 's the beauty about it you , you 'll never get hold of a Harley Davidson , but you might get hold of a petrol cap .
26 Now i i in one shop er you 'll never hear mention of politics , it would be all football , football man , football this , football the other .
27 There 's not the same pressure on the dealing floor as at DPR , but you 'll still make loads of money .
28 ‘ If you 'll only take hold of this damn bag so I can go I will .
29 She 'll also meet relatives of people who 've died from Aids , including this mother who wrote to the group .
30 On page 13 MARY BAILEY already has the cichlids — but if she could just get hold of a six foot tank …
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