Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] have [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll just have one thing .
2 One comment passed was ‘ I would rather have 100,000 members paying £1 than 1,000 members paying £100 . ’
3 Years later , when I was with Sandford in the Second World War , he told me that people in Addis Ababa had been saying that I would not have one chance in ten of survival if I entered Aussa .
4 If I do n't do something , take some action , in our present situation , then I shall not have one atom of strength left to support Peter .
5 I will only have one runner , ’ said Richards .
6 last year I was cutting cauliflowers weighing nearly five and seven pound , but this year I sha n't have one weight two pound !
7 However , you may only have one General , so you will not be able to use certain characters together .
8 You should now have 8 rows knitted on each bed and be at T6 .
9 But if they were short , they would keep you on until they could get another man from a different station , so that you might only have two hours off .
10 That if you work in the big city you might only have seven miles between calls but it still takes you three quarters of an hour .
11 yeah , but then you 'll only have fifty P for lunch and that 's not enough
12 However , they do grow quite quickly and one day you 'll only have one Trigger left , as the most dominant one will assert its authority .
13 ‘ No , silly ; She could n't have four bridesmaids .
14 Tory Dame Jill Knight said : ‘ Constitutionally there is no reason why you could not have two people crowned who are separated .
15 Well you could actually have two meals today , for a change .
16 Chris explained : ‘ James here is our scorer and Mr Marshall signalled four wides when there was a wide and the ball went to the boundary , but the other side 's scorer says you ca n't have four wides at once , only one , and the other three must count as byes .
17 you ca n't have four dogs in there thereof , well you would n't thought of that would you ?
18 It was the sort of London garden which grew London Pride and smelt of snails but there was room to play cricket or French cricket on the grass ( You ca n't have five children and a nice lawn , as my Father sagely remarked ) and I remember a time when obstacle races round the gravelled path on our bicycles was popular with my sister and me .
19 You ca n't , you ca n't , you ca n't have one rule for the forward and one rule for the backward , it 's got to be the same rules for all , so you restrict the input for the forward function .
20 You ca n't have one rule for a certain player , and different rules for others .
21 ‘ I 'm not saying best practice is wrong , ’ he said , ‘ but someone must change the operational guidelines because you ca n't have one set of guidelines issued by the Institute and another being operated by the JMU . ’
22 If it 's a bank account where you 've both got to sign before you can draw the money , one dies the other ca n't draw it out because you ca n't have two signatures so it 's tenants in common and it would be split in accordance with whatever the agreed proportions were .
23 Cos there 's no reason why you ca n't have two projects on
24 Oh you ca n't have two weeks at once you know but over there you got ta get rid of your holidays before December , you got ta get rid of them otherwise you lose them .
25 You ca n't have 1050 dictators .
26 She may have been just twenty years old , and secretly terrified , but she would only have one wedding in her life , and she was determined to make it her own .
27 She would only have one shot , and she had to be ready to make it count .
28 She dried her off well and said , ‘ She ca n't have two washes ’ .
29 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
30 You will probably have two firers shooting in every other detail
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