Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] be [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll definitely be taking care this time , ’ said Martin , who was allowed out of hospital on Christmas Eve .
2 If this had n't happened , I 'd probably be teaching music .
3 Enya : ‘ If this had n't happened , I 'd probably be teaching music . ’
4 I would n't be drinking lemonade for just any man , ’ she said .
5 I would not be giving evidence of bad faith by looking for an opt-out clause — and the reason is that , unlike the Prime Minister , I do not have to try to patch my party together .
6 I ca n't be doing groomsman .
7 My friends are still traumatised by the shock of passing over , but rest assured I shall soon be attempting communion with them .
8 I shall merely be requesting information about a taste which puzzles me , not demanding a further reason without which the whole string of answers will prove to be baseless .
9 Er I hope that makes the matter clear , because when we come to make a decision on this group of amendments , er when I er seek the opinion of the er Committee on my Amendment five , I shall only be seeking agreement to Amendment five and its related amendments er eight and eleven and if the Noble Lord , Lord er if , if the House were er to disagree with my Amendment or if it were to be withdrawn and the Noble Lord , Lord amendment were , were put , I think he would agree that it would only tha that that a decision by the Committee would only relate to the amendments in his name because we have in fact four alternatives before us which we are debating together .
10 But I will not be held hostage by Lucker 's desire to glow and simmer into the night .
11 I wo n't be held hostage to your quarrel with Jeff . ’
12 I wo n't be playing squash with him for about another what , four or five days so it 's next Wednesday
13 For example , the modern female hostage who falls in love with her captor may not merely be manifesting the well-known defence of ‘ identification with the aggressor ’ ( particularly since it is not so much identification with him as submission to him ) , she may instead be giving way to her phylogenetic id and its demand that a female captured by a male should look to him for sexual satisfaction .
14 ‘ Ben and I were sure that you must still be feeling jet lagged .
15 To do this you should always be looking upwind to spot the give-away dark furry patches on the water that mark their approach .
16 If you 're converting your loft , or want a fitted bedroom or bathroom , you 'll probably be making use of fibreboards in one shape or another .
17 Breakfast is included at all hotels and at some , you 'll also be given dinner inclusive of the voucher price .
18 You 'd simply be committing suicide : you 're either a killer or some fruitcake who thinks he 's a killer and neither wanted in today 's modern Army thank you . ’
19 Lesley , for instance , had kept her baby because her father said if she had an abortion she would n't be considered part of his family anymore .
20 Roza Niedzwiedz would gladly have come with me but , as an alien , she feared she would not be granted re-entry into Britain .
21 Or indeed , if the consequences of that particular policy decision is such that the erm , the revenue considerations were serious and improvable and in which case , you would not be deriving value for money , and I most certainly would have a comment to make .
22 Imagine yourself as an examiner working on a huge pile of scripts in pleasant summer weather when you would rather be playing tennis .
23 You , if you had something more to do , you would n't be cutting meat though ?
24 Imagine learning to water-ski on the sea with waves — you would n't be making life easy for yourself .
25 You would n't be having ice cream
26 And now I have had a letter from Katie Mallett , saying she will not be entering no 3225 ‘ because I did n't see the TV exposé of Summerhill , and have n't got the faintest clue what it 's like ’ .
27 In your professional work after you have qualified , you will rarely be allowed time to do everything twice and so you had better learn now .
28 If you are pregnant you will normally be allowed maternity leave of 48 weeks .
29 You will also be given weekend membership of the exclusive Country Club with its numerous facilities .
30 Hopefully you will also be raising money through sponsorship to help selected projects in countries far worse off than our own .
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