Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I should like to know for certain how …
2 Cos we will I 'll come dressed for dirty work tomorrow
3 Our quarry secured a table in the far corner and , as soon as I glimpsed him , I could have laughed for sheer joy .
4 The Easy-Carve is in fact not as noisy as one might imagine , but it is not necessarily a tool I 'd want to use for long stretches .
5 ‘ If I were Newley , I 'd want to know for certain , even if I intended to go through with the deal . ’
6 Just — different , because you 'd be tied up elsewhere , and I would have to look for other friends .
7 I would have sighed for human nature , had it not been for the excellence of my trout and the wine which accompanied it .
8 An early marriage and five children would have tempered most women 's ambitions and had Emecheta 's marriage been happy , she might have settled for domestic life .
9 In other ways it was really petty and you could get nicked for daft little things .
10 Even if , as one study asserts , the USSR pays 50 per cent more for CMEA products than these products command in world markets , the question which matters to the Soviet Union is what she would have to pay for equivalent Western equipment ( and how she would pay for it ) .
11 Nothing near as tasty and tender as our … ’ and , her mouth overflowing with steak , beans and croquette potato , Mitzi named an Austrian breed Elisabeth had never heard of ( and did not imagine she would need to remember for future use ) .
12 If you keep soft water fish you would need to test for general hardness .
13 Sorry , twenty four percent , twenty four percent body weight erm about a quarter in other words when , when a young woman 's body is about one quarter fat , she can start menstruating for obvious reasons .
14 You can get sacked for fucking
15 We have already closed sites which have become yesterday 's plants serving yesterday 's needs and we 'll keep looking for other areas of adjustment .
16 They will recognise it too in terms of higher charges than perhaps ideally we would want to impose for certain services which the city operates , whether it be sports pitches or whether to be brutal , it 's the cost of actually burying the dead .
17 We will continue to look for joint initiatives from which AC groups can also derive financial benefit and will keep you informed as they happen .
18 Additionally , we will continue to look for suitable opportunities to work with appropriate companies to expand and improve our business through partnership or acquisition .
19 We will have to arrange for advance publicity , set up an office and make arrangements to show prospective buyers around .
20 Eventually , we will have to look for different fuels , according to Larry Jenney , of the US Transportation Research Board , in Washington DC , but fuel efficiency is an essential first step .
21 They must have longed for quiet and solitude , for space to shed their tears in private , or even to vent their anger , but none of them showed it in public .
22 This would build up a fund from which they could afford to bid for new discoveries at fair market prices .
23 Even if someone wanted to have their dog put down they could have applied for financial help . ’
24 If they were here , 1 am sure that they would support new clause S. The reason that they are not here is because they feel that they would have to vote for new clause 5 if they were here , so they have absented themselves from the debate .
25 Given that they would have to look for other offices , the partners decided to take the opportunity to merge the three Isle of Wight offices and reap the benefits of the resulting economies of scale .
26 She says that they all thought they would have to look for other jobs .
27 Had they seen billions of neutrons as well as the heat then they would have known for sure that fusion was occurring ; and may already have begun to worry about their health from prolonged exposure .
28 Will he undertake that when he and my right hon. Friend the Minister go to Brussels next week for that crucial meeting , they will continue to fight for British agriculture as a whole and not bend over backwards to please MacSharry , as the Opposition would do ?
29 He may have asked for Norman help against his enemies in 1009 , and a continental source records that he at some point appealed to the French monarch Robert the Pious for assistance , conceivably in the hope that he could exert pressure on the Normans .
30 If the patient has problems with his employer , he may need to apply for professional help through his social worker .
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