Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] then that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is then that I spot the post .
2 It was then that I saw her wild , inhuman face !
3 It was then that I saw that the folder I 'd left on the coffee table was gone .
4 It was then that I made my mind up .
5 It was then that I made my never-to-be-forgotten answer , ‘ Mum 's lost , down the fair . ’
6 It was then that I made up my mind that r would never leave England , ’ declares Lotte Bray ( Lowenstein ) .
7 This he did , and it was then that I experienced for the first time his unexpected propensity for one-liners , conjured out of thin air .
8 It was then that I experienced a side of Max that I had not known before : he was most caring and attentive , almost maternal , getting doctors and nurses , staying with me and looking after me in every way .
9 The young boy was extremely embarrassed but soon swallowed his pride and climbed back into his canoe while we all fell about with laughter around him and it was then that I heard the bang .
10 It was then that I began to discover the fate that awaited me as a female .
11 It was then that I began to understand how archaeologists could be led into serious error if they decided in advance what they were going to find .
12 Yet it was then that I knew why I had come , for just distinguishable to me against the background of reciting voices , I heard my own voice .
13 It was then that I knew I could have a fight on my hands : If the manager sided with him and asked me to move a few feet away then I 'd have no choice but to join in the squabble .
14 It was then that I resolved to enjoy the rest of the year , accept that I simply did not have the talent to make the professional grade , and find a job .
15 And it was then that I touched flesh .
16 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
17 It was then that I realised what a lovely person he was , ’ says Avril .
18 But as I left my car and started to go into the house it was then that I realised I was falling under the spell of this Englishwoman who had been such a delightful and charming companion that day . ’
19 It was then that I realised I needed some first aid training . ’
20 For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me .
21 And indeed , it was then that I felt a new resolve not to be daunted in respect to the one professional task I have entrusted myself with on this trip ; that is to say , regarding Miss Kenton and our present staffing problems , But that was this morning .
22 It was then that I felt the first cobweb — one sticky tendril , unbelievably strong , across my right eye and the bridge of my nose .
23 It was then that I became fully aware of how your personality is really at stake .
24 It was then that I noticed something suspicious .
25 It was then that I realized that he was going to leave me on my own .
26 Andrew Stavanger was compelled to turn to the bank for help after the dock strikes , and it was then that I got to know him .
27 It was then that I got to realize Ken 's great knowledge of London and of history .
28 It was then that I discovered that they had been keeping our group under surveillance and noting down the registration numbers of cars parked outside the meeting place .
29 Looking back I suppose it was then that I started to brood about a problem that grew and grew until it burst out into the open at the World Championships .
30 I stopped going to school when I was thirteen getting on fourteen , and it was then that I started getting into trouble , running away from home and thieving .
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