Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] then that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Yet it was then that I knew why I had come , for just distinguishable to me against the background of reciting voices , I heard my own voice .
32 It was then that I knew I could have a fight on my hands : If the manager sided with him and asked me to move a few feet away then I 'd have no choice but to join in the squabble .
33 It was then that I resolved to enjoy the rest of the year , accept that I simply did not have the talent to make the professional grade , and find a job .
34 And it was then that I touched flesh .
35 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
36 It was then that I realised what a lovely person he was , ’ says Avril .
37 But as I left my car and started to go into the house it was then that I realised I was falling under the spell of this Englishwoman who had been such a delightful and charming companion that day . ’
38 It was then that I realised I needed some first aid training . ’
39 For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me .
40 And indeed , it was then that I felt a new resolve not to be daunted in respect to the one professional task I have entrusted myself with on this trip ; that is to say , regarding Miss Kenton and our present staffing problems , But that was this morning .
41 It was then that I felt the first cobweb — one sticky tendril , unbelievably strong , across my right eye and the bridge of my nose .
42 It was then that I became fully aware of how your personality is really at stake .
43 It was then that I noticed something suspicious .
44 It was then that I realized that he was going to leave me on my own .
45 Andrew Stavanger was compelled to turn to the bank for help after the dock strikes , and it was then that I got to know him .
46 It was then that I got to realize Ken 's great knowledge of London and of history .
47 It was then that I discovered that they had been keeping our group under surveillance and noting down the registration numbers of cars parked outside the meeting place .
48 Looking back I suppose it was then that I started to brood about a problem that grew and grew until it burst out into the open at the World Championships .
49 I stopped going to school when I was thirteen getting on fourteen , and it was then that I started getting into trouble , running away from home and thieving .
50 I was no more alert to my environment than a sick animal and I must have somehow been aware of that , because it was then that I remembered the starveling cat .
51 In return she sent me her third and latest novel , A View of the Harbour : and it was then that I recognized her as the author of At Mrs Lippincote 's .
52 It was then that I conceived the idea of getting a few fans that he had in those days to walk around the television company with placards saying Lets Be Fair To The Long Hairs , which did get press publicity , and in the end , the producer relented and he did his first TV show . ’
53 It was then that I decided to learn more about what had happened to the ‘ Children of the Mist ’ by the shores of Loch Tummel , and during my research an amazing possibility dawned .
54 It was then that I decided to help myself , so I went along to the local college and enrolled in what appeared to me to be ‘ a way to relax ’ — the Alexander Technique .
55 It was then that I decided to tell each woman in my own time , taking each one in turn — I could n't tell them all at once .
56 It was then that I decided to invoke the help of the Commissioner . "
57 It was then that I decided to give it a try .
58 It was duly arranged that we should meet after work , and it was then that I gave him further details about my ‘ sponsored ’ trip to Paris and about my much more ambitious idea of a trip to Libya .
59 So I closed all those books and it was then that I opened up my eyes and looked around me and said , ‘ Now I 'm reading ’ . ’
60 Edouard heard it too , and it was then that he became almost certain that the dropping of the cup had been no accident .
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