Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] not [prep] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I 'm not into things that happen for effect or for taste ; I like doing things that mean something .
2 For example , you know currently , you know our shift pattern with the projectionists for example , you know is generally when they 're not on holiday that they 're in at er ten o'clock and they work through till eleven .
3 Wycliffe said : ‘ It 's not about Alfred that I 'm here but another matter altogether .
4 But it 's not for football that they fear — it is for the danger of crowd violence .
5 But it is not via Lourdes that I would choose to enter Bigorre .
6 How he heard of verre anglais is unclear , but it is not beyond belief that it stemmed from rumours that effervescing Champagne had become a popular drink in England .
7 It is not without significance that the sub-title of his autobiography is ‘ The Story of my experiments with Truth ’ , and his whole life might well a interpreted as an attempt to live in accordance with or an existential quest for Truth .
8 We have already noted that he interprets the Gītā as a call to action and it is not without significance that he has been described as one of the foremost activist theoreticians and as a karmayogin .
9 It is not without significance that it had its source in a campaign which effectively combined Cobdenite principles of free trade with a ‘ bellicose philanthropy ’ worthy of the most self-righteous of Victorian imperialists .
10 It is not without significance that in the present case Mr. Bookbinder 's action for libel is based upon the same complaints as those made by the council .
11 It is not without significance that throughout the debate there have never been more than half a dozen hon. Members on either side of the House .
12 Moreover , it is not without point that national economic consensus was at its strongest in the late 1950s under the premiership of Harold Macmillan .
13 It is not without interest that , over one hundred years ago , in Dietrich v. Northampton ( 1884 ) 138 Mass. 14 Holmes J. anticipated the argument , at p. 16 :
14 It is not without reason that contracts of employment in most civilized countries are geared to a working week of between thirty-seven and forty-four hours .
15 The attempt to subvert binary logic threatens to invalidate the structuralist enterprise , and it is not without reason that in the early seventies Kristeva , Irigaray , and other women theorists began to map structuralism 's binary logic onto the social and discursive oppression of women by men .
16 It is not in doubt that as against Pantell S.A. the court has jurisdiction to make an order under section 6(2) for the restoration of the status quo ante .
17 But it is not in doubt that salmon rely critically on their sense of smell to guide them home .
18 It is not by chance that , in his History of Art , movements such as Mannerism are undervalued and considered periods of artistic involution .
19 It is not by accident that the excellent report by Norman Thomas on Improving primary schools for the ILEA ( ILEA 1985 ) was governed by the requirement
20 It is not by accident that the countries within the ERM — viz Spain and Ireland — and countries shadowing the system — such as Sweden and Norway — believe that the price of higher than warranted interest rates , from their domestic point of view , is nevertheless worth paying , in return for the longer-term stability that the ERM will provide .
21 Throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century ‘ citizenship ’ had been part of the civilizing process ; so it was not without reason that T. H. S. Escott , writing in 1897 , described ‘ Social Citizenship ’ as ‘ a Moral growth of Victorian England ’ , probably best exemplified by the Settlement Movement , beginning in the 1880s , with its emphasis on ‘ civic idealism ’ .
22 But it was not to Rachel that she would go , but to her mummy .
23 It was not for money that he had the bear dance to amuse commuters .
24 But it was not for Dorothy that she searched , nor even for her father .
25 Then she remembered that her therapist had said something about that , had said that it was not for Camille that Scarlet grieved in expectation but for herself and her own pain , implying by her tone that it was really most foolish .
26 A further delay ensued and it was not until July that the two great armies finally set forth on the third anniversary of the Battle of Hattin .
27 It was not until January that EMI at last rid themselves of the Sex Pistols — ‘ in view of the adverse publicity generated over the last two months ’ , as an official statement put it — and at a cost of £50,000 in settlement .
28 They were due to return by Easter 1101 , but they were conveniently delayed , and it was not until September that the result of their mission became known .
29 For the most part , however , the administration 's policy had initially received widespread bipartisan support , and it was not until September that the popularity of its stance began to wane significantly .
30 And it was not until June that The Times began to ruffle its feathers and not until today that we get this . ’
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