Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] that [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're that spare about the images you choose to show of a city , you can create a feeling of an entire world just seen through very limited vision .
2 When they asked him where it was that my father had wanted to build the gallery , he said something like , ‘ Well , you know , it 's that place near the pond between the pond and the obelisk ’ , meaning the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool .
3 By contrast , how is the primary school to manage what it is that passes to the secondary school ?
4 A recent investigation of moorhens is one of the first studies to show exactly what it is that makes for a high quality mate ( Science , vol 220 , p 413 ) .
5 IT IS the Keats time of year again , when inefficiently brainwashed poetasters grope about trying to remember whatever it was that came after the ‘ mellow fruitfulness ’ bit .
6 In other words , rats with hippocampal lesions have difficulty in refraining from punished responses because they can not remember what happened to them the last time that they did whatever it was that led to the punishment .
7 When the bundle of clothes hit the ground it was the dog who realised first that there was something inside , also broken and crumpled , and after the dog came the children , who revolved round the heap , fascinated , until one noticed the blood and began to scream , and adults arrived to remove them from whatever it was that lay on the concrete .
8 Harry looked at him then and thought he saw what it was that glimmered beneath the affable surface of his remarks .
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