Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] a [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 During seven years of illness she had been admitted to hospital 13 times , often compulsorily during episodes of violent behaviour when she was a danger both to her children and herself .
2 Both Kosi and Lars figure that we 're a lot closer to Moloch than to Belial , but we 're going to have to get there under our own steam .
3 From there it 's a reach out to the far end to the wind mark , drive there and back to the beginning again .
4 It 's a pity not to be able to recommend any books by Noam Chomsky himself .
5 It 's a chance not to be missed .
6 I suppose er it 's a trick not to over correct ?
7 I still miss him and it is a struggle not to be unfair to Steve Martin , who now plays the exasperated central figure of Father Of The Bride ( PG , Odeons West End and Marble Arch ) .
8 It is a chance not to be missed for Italian politics to make a new start .
9 The poem is Coleridge 's tribute of friendship to his ‘ gentle-hearted Charles ’ — Lamb complained later that he would have preferred ‘ drunken-dog ’ to ‘ gentle-hearted ’ — but it is a tribute equally to : the quickening power of the natural beauty which the poem so memorably evokes.7sup9 ;
10 And if a work as trite , foolish and offensive to women as Now , Voyager should , after 40 years , remain as watchable today as on its initial release , when equally feeble plays and novels from the same period have vanished into a limbo of neglect from which they can never be retrieved , it is a tribute less to the very questionable ‘ artistry ’ of its writer and director than to the enduring fascination of its leading actress .
11 It is a method only to be used in a real emergency under medical supervision .
12 Arthur Golding 's translation of Ovid 's Metamorphoses may not yet be ‘ canonical ’ ; but it is a lot nearer to being so because Pound campaigned for it .
13 The course is bisected by the border between England and Wales and though , technically , Woosnam was born in Shropshire , he is a Welshman down to the tips of the spikes on his golf shoes .
14 It was a voice not to be disobeyed : authoritative , commanding .
15 But it was a struggle not to be ordinary to him .
16 ‘ Looking back on it now , it was a tour not to be forgotten for those of us who went on it .
17 The first here were from an assart only cut from the woods a few years back , it was a godsend indeed to them .
18 It was a story close to his heart and dated back to 1964 , before the Vietnam War was being viewed with quite the same violent passions it was arousing in the late Sixties .
19 It was a time when to be ‘ new ’ seemed more than usually important , as exemplified by the titles of its livelier publications : New Writing , New Verse .
20 It was a situation often to be repeated in the following years in British colonies .
21 To die : to sleep ; No more ; and , by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to , ‘ t is a consummation Devoutly to be wish 'd .
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