Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [det] part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Malc and I were all part of the same gang when we were 14 , sort of ‘ paired off ’ when we were 15 , and started putting our biology theory into practice at 16 .
2 We 're all part of the world trade system .
3 Yet we 're all part of the same community , Carter .
4 Because women 's work is never done , and underpaid , or unpaid , or boring or repetitious and we 're the first to get the sack , and what we look like is more important than what we do , and if we get raped it 's our fault , and if we get bashed we must have provoked it , if we raise our voices we 're nagging bitches , and if we enjoy sex we 're nymphs and if we do n't we 're frigid , and if we love women it 's because we ca n't get a real man , and if we ask our doctor too many questions we 're neurotic and if we expect the community to care for our children we 're selfish , and if we stand up for our rights we 're aggressive and unfeminine , and if we do n't we 're typical weak females , and if we want to get married we 're out to trap a man , and if we do n't we 're unnatural , and because we ca n't get adequate safe contraceptives , but men can walk on the moon , and we ca n't cope or do n't want a pregnancy we 're made to feel guilty about abortion , and for lots and lots of other reasons we 're all part of the Women 's Liberation Movement .
5 They are all part of the same market . ’
6 They are all part of the same market . ’
7 They argue that the differential in living standards between the two groups is minimal and to see this as social mobility is to detract attention from the important fact that they are all part of the large urban poor whose poverty is due to the wider social formation and , in particular , the capitalist mode of production .
8 They are all part of the advertising and marketing that the parties believe has an effect on the voters — while failing to notice that this effect is generally in inverse proportion to the amount of thought , work or effort that has gone into any individual contribution .
9 Different qualities and complexes of qualities are registered by me in a temporally extended sequence ; none the less , they are all part of the wider experience of looking at this same bunch of flowers which I assume to exist " out there " .
10 They are all part of the Veteran-cycle Club , of which there are about eight members in Northern Ireland .
11 Joyce Grenfell was right , as ever , when she said there is no giving without receiving , that they are both part of the same circle which makes up a whole spiritual act .
12 it is a lot , but they 're all part of the same thing .
13 They should all be the same , let's put them together anyway , even if they 're not , we should put them together because erm I mean they 're all part of the same company anyway .
14 Well they 're all part of the history are n't they ?
15 They were all part of the real or imaginary story of Argentina .
16 Indeed , they were both part of the same system , and they could not be separated .
17 And it 's that part of the jigsaw that I want to concentrate on .
18 It 's all part of the drive that she believes , will take her to the top of her forthcoming profession and to that end , she is not prepared to put a time limit on her arrival .
19 It 's all part of the generous gush of expenditure without return .
20 It 's all part of the Quillersedge Estate .
21 It 's all part of the learning experience . ’
22 Their weight , although so small , responds to the force of gravity , and the little hairs they balance upon are sensitive to their movement In the ordinary way , it 's all part of the service .
23 It 's all part of the shallow commercialisation of surfing which is what we are really against , ’ explains the group , unloading in St Agnes [ ‘ Aggie ’ ] and preparing for the afternoon 's surf .
24 It 's all part of the ‘ letting go ’ syndrome .
25 It 's all part of the service .
26 It 's all part of the training every Delta Stewardess goes through .
27 DAREDEVIL TV reporter Kate Adie last night shrugged off a brush with death in Bosnia , insisting : ‘ It 's all part of the job . ’
28 It 's all part of the PE programme which is to be introduced onto the National Curriculum for the first time .
29 For me , it 's all part of the " Great Divide " — separating stylised news presentation at HTV from that bit of daily banter on the local pavement , or when having a half with one or two cronies at the White Lion , off the Common , or the Crown at nearby Hambrook .
30 It 's all part of the Great Capitalist Conspiracy .
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