Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] to this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Incensed by such treatment , the hare scratched the Moon 's face with his claws and the two of them are disfigured to this day .
2 I am committed to this enterprise : To climb the mountain , to cut down the cedar , and leave behind me an enduring name . ’
3 Since well before I was elected to this House , I have pressed for the provision of secure accommodation to end the scandal of young offenders and remand prisoners in particular being held in prison accommodation .
4 I was appointed to this post , and on my arrival at Lancaster was further promoted to reader ( Associate Professor ) .
5 I explained why I was suited to this job .
6 You 're confined to this place , ’ he waves his gangly arm around his tiny office in the Lords one Wednesday afternoon , ‘ stuff flies at you from left , right and centre , ’ he snorts , as his forehead furrows .
7 She was committed to this trip , it was too late to do anything about it , but how , she asked herself , was she going to be able to work with a man she did n't even like ?
8 We are committed to this scheme .
9 We could not do the trip in and out of the town in time to catch the last plane that evening , so we were condemned to this place and an early flight .
10 We were taken to this orphanage kind of place , separated , and put into little rooms .
11 He worked at Underwood Pit when they were came to this district and then they came into the Newthorpe Common district and er and then er we moved from Newthorpe Common and he went to Williamthorpe for a short while , only from erm probably eighteen months to two years , that 's as much as did there .
12 Douglas was glad to acknowledge Miller 's help and told the Royal Society that he had received some coconuts ‘ germinated in this country by the industrious Mr. Miller , by whose care and skill they were brought to this perfection ; and besides he very freely communicated to me for the good of the publick his own methods in management in raising them which I here desire may be read in his words . ’
13 " It being stated to this Meeting that the Water of A-ruagh under Kilchoman House is at present impassable — and a total obstruction to Travelling until a Bridge is erected — …
14 " It being represented to this meeting that part of the Church yard of Kilnaughtan , facing the South E : or the sea is likely to be carried away by the Blowing of Sand and that several Coffins have been exposed " the meeting appoints a Committee to obtain any estimate for banking .
15 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
16 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
17 1811 " It being known to this Meeting that two Parochial Schoolhouses are upon the way of being finished at Kilchoman and Kilmeny , and that it is proposed to build a third schoolhouse at Kildalton … stent themselves in the sum of £70 . "
18 " It is stated to this Meeting that the Lint Miln is keep 'd in very bad order , and that it is insufficient to manufacture the Lint of the Parish independent of the Lint of the whole Island .
19 where it is seen to this day
20 At one point the path crosses the River Almond , and will eventually link up with the Almond Walkway once it is extended to this point .
21 1812 " It is proposed that the Clergymen of the Island shall … convene the poor of their respective Parishes , & to such as they find needy , to issue a Ticket of his or her name & Parish Written thereon , who only should be served as the Poor , & impostures excluded — It is Represented to this Meeting that a number of Beggars keep dogs at home and abroad — and as Scarcity is apprehended , it is considered proper that every person should this year Discharge every unnecessary Dog … "
22 He received acetylcysteine , but his condition deteriorated , showing signs of liver failure , and he was transferred to this hospital for supportive treatment .
23 I am the first human being he has seen since he was posted to this backwater .
24 Gironella has said he was drawn to this painting because Lezcano is holding some playing cards , so his disconcertingly direct gaze is inviting us in to test our wits and/or our luck against him .
25 He was brought to this country by Convoy Aid Romania suffering water on the brain and was operated on by neurosurgeon Fred Nath in Middlesbrough General Hospital .
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