Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] [conj] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Now you think that because I am I am forgiven and I preach forgiveness that I would be pretty good as up people , but that 's part of my human failure and I must admit that I 've given plenty of opportunity to practice at home and at work er the opportunity to forgive , but it does n't come easily and certainly it is n't a strong feature of the non-Christian world in which I work and which you will be working soon .
2 Oh , what pleasure would it be to me were there a good understanding between my mother and myself , when I am assured if I know my own heart , that I am so far from having any ill against her that I have almost undone myself to serve her …
3 I am doing that more and more now when I am stretched and I think I am improving in that area . ’
4 My heart aches for him sometimes , but I 'm blessed if I know if he 's happy ; if he ever wants to marry , have a family , he keeps his thoughts , feelings very much to himself .
5 And in the end the child 's internalising , I 'm loved because I work hard , and this is what I have to do .
6 Heard about you being sick and put two and two together — though what the other two was , I 'm damned if I know .
7 But I 'm damned if I know where it 's coming from . "
8 I 'm damned if I know why I did n't tell you in the first place , back when all this started happening .
9 ‘ Well , I 'm damned if I do , ’ said Joseph to Cobalt .
10 ‘ I came here to apologise , but if this is your attitude I 'm damned if I do ! ’
11 I 'm damned if I have . ’
12 I think the British end somehow managed to start itself up — though I 'm damned if I see how . ’
13 One or two , maybe , and I 'm damned if I see how we 'll identify them in a hurry but … ’
14 I enjoy the club atmosphere , I like amateur boxing , I 'm employed and I do n't want to turn professional . ’
15 You go , Joanna — you know Ian Woodall , so that wo n't be embarrassing for you , but I 'm blowed if I want to meet Robert Sheldrake socially . ’
16 I 'm buggered if I know what the point is , ’ said Wilcox sourly .
17 ‘ Then I 'm buggered if I know , but I 'll check the mechanics for you .
18 I 've definitely got one cos I remember her sheet now as I was looking at it , but where it is I 'm buggered if I know .
19 I 'm buggered if I understand that Army of yours . ’
20 If not , it is their loss , for it is the catholicity of the education to which I was exposed that I have come most to value .
21 I 'm turned out of the house where I was born whether I want to go or no , the house and the business are handed over to … to that woman , and I have to share what is left in a joint legacy with Francis ! ’
22 I was appointed and I 've got the job . ’
23 I mean before you used to have your own , your own , like the job I 'm , I was started for I 've got sweep all the floor , the place where we work .
24 that 's what I was told when I come here .
25 Though I suppose I was chosen because I have a better understanding of what they are about than your average pen-pusher . ’
26 You are reminded that I have the backing of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
27 ‘ I 'm sorry you 're miffed because I do n't want to sell and I 'm sorry our views on the nuisance value of my workshop conflict , ’ Ashley said , ‘ but why do n't we wait until the villas are occupied and take a vote among the owners ?
28 ‘ It 's not because you 're loaded that I worry after you , ’ she shouted .
29 ‘ Will you be offended if I ask you a question ? ’
30 In the excitement of buying a car , and you get this extended warranty , the customers think they 're covered and I do n't think they are .
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