Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I am locked in a time warp , but I 'm lost in several time warps .
2 I am reminded of the time when we were leaving Italy after a while in the Dolomites and spent all our Italian cash in the last café making a phone call , only to find that the café owner was adding a surcharge to the bill .
3 ‘ All that work beforehand — I 'm exhausted by the time we sit down to eat .
4 I was drunk at the time , if you must know .
5 On the other hand , although I was exhausted by the time I arrived in Sydney , having lost the equivalent of two nights ' sleep , it was not unproductive in terms of collecting tennis news .
6 I was exhausted by the time that ‘ An Evening without John McCarthy ’ arrived , but the venue , the Camden Palace , was n't far from my flat and , prompted by nerves , I turned up early , about an hour before things were due to begin .
7 Imagination from other viewpoints depends on my having already perceived something analogous from the then present and my own , and is undernourished if I was distracted at the time by consideration of the future or of others .
8 I was told at the time that this system had been adopted because it was impossible to fit a mechanical servo as fitted to the Series III without major surgery ,
9 The crimps were of course very active and I was told at the time that they would be paid as much as two pounds for every man whom they recruited .
10 He watched me , smiling but sharp , and for some reason — for no reason — I was reminded of a time at school when I had tried to make one friend betray another , and failed .
11 Dear Guitarist Catching Nirvana 's ‘ performance ’ on the recent MTV Video Music Awards I was reminded of the time when , as a youngster , the guitar-smashing exploits of my heroes — the likes of Townshend and Hendrix — left a bad taste in my mouth .
12 You are covered from the time of leaving home to the time of arrival home from your holiday .
13 If you were separated at the time , you are still treated as a dependant .
14 You were told at the time you did , and Councillor told you at the time that th it was totally inadequate was the children 's budget , so how can you expect more money from the Government when your sense of priorities is so blatantly wrong on the money that you 're already handling .
15 The details of Julian 's life are not known , but it is highly unlikely that she was professed at the time of her visionary experience — if at all .
16 I sincerely hope that Mrs. X 's complaint was not treated in a dismissive way because , as she readily admitted , she was drunk at the time of the assault .
17 We were engaged at the time on a pre-disturbance survey of HMS Hazardous , a man-of-war which sank in November 1706 .
18 We were separated at the time — the woman in the photographs is Phoebe .
19 Quite why we were undressed at the time is a mystery , though I do recall your mother being uncharacteristically excitable and an unseemly display of mirth by the ambulance men .
20 There were no immediate changes , it went on from private enterprise , the changeover We were told at the time that we were just just to carry on the way we 'd been doing .
21 But spending that hundred thousand pounds as we were told at the time , would only part solve the problem .
22 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you would need real financial help .
23 As a Bank that looks after its customers ' financial welfare , we know just how important the benefits offered by this Plan could be to you as they are paid at a time when you need real financial help .
24 Studies have shown that most products pass through a series of stages — their life-cycle — from the time they are introduced until the time they are withdrawn .
25 One of Einstein 's ways of working things out was to take the laws of nature as they were understood at the time and imagine them in unusual fictitious situations — such as , for instance , trying to imagine what it would be like to catch up with a light beam .
26 They are mentioned by name on eighteenth-century maps and referred to in Sir Walter Scott 's The Bridal of Triermain ; they are often supposed to mark the county boundary , which they do not , and the most popular theory is that they were erected at the time of the Border raids to delude Scots advancing up the Eden valley , from which they are conspicuously in view , into the belief that an English army was encamped there .
27 The difference is hard to explain as there was no difference between the two groups in terms of whether or not they were employed at the time they enquired about the courses .
28 The idea that there is some correct and timeless view , against which historical controversies can be judged , can prove an insensitive guide to the issues as they were perceived at the time .
29 For the Halifax , Britain 's biggest building society , there is no exemption period if the claimant with their policies can prove they were covered during the time of the accident or sickness .
30 Only 1 man in 5 had planned the occasion , for 17% it was a one-night stand , for 13% it happened at a party , while 11% say they were drunk at the time .
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