Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] when i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 You were here when I left , and then when I was passing I looked up and saw that your desk light was still on .
2 We were here when I woke up , ’ she explained , watching him raise his head to search the area .
3 They were here when I arrived , and they 'd caught one of those chaps taking pictures through the kitchen window .
4 So , I can understand what 's going on , but it 's like when I saw it , I saw the R S C production ,
5 It was here when I came , ’ said Ianthe .
6 It was here when I went out , I left it here .
7 Well it was there when I came I do n't know where it Yes .
8 It was there when I moved in .
9 But it was only when I punched through the thick , creamy crest and the rainbow mist cleared from my eyes that I finally gave up all hope .
10 On the handshake it was only when I got notified that I 'd been awarded the gold badge , I realized I never got my hand back that day .
11 Mm I mean he looked at me like I was a bit silly and it was only when I got it and looked he 'd got after Christmas written
12 Oh , we 'd felt like this for years but we would n't acknowledge it , and then we started meeting casually and standing talking for ages , but it was only when I met him and he was so upset about the baby and — and other things .
13 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
14 I 'd read about this technique in my books , but it was only when I did the course that I realised that , although it would work for sparrowhawks and most other hunting birds , Dawn 's hunting did not depend on speed .
15 He was upstairs when I came in tonight .
16 And Morgan J well he was the headmaster when I went to school first and he was there when I left and he retired and he was still here You know going about .
17 I wonder if he was there when I blundered in upon Ephraim 's body in my wanderings ?
18 He was there when I went across the yard yesterday .
19 ‘ I think he was there when I saw Werner .
20 He was there when I got there and erm
21 He was there when I closed the school for the Christmas holidays .
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