Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] [vb pp] that when " in BNC.

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1 It 's now forgotten that when Hugh Dalton began to publish his memoirs with large chunks of his diary in in the late fifties and early sixties , particularly the the high tide volume that came out about the Labour government of forty five to fifty one which was very venomous .
2 In particular , it is well established that when a statute has conferred on any body the power to make decisions affecting individuals , the courts will not only require the procedure prescribed by the statute to be followed , but will readily imply so much and no more to be introduced by way of additional procedural safeguards as will ensure the attainment of fairness .
3 It is well known that when parents talk to young children they repeat a great deal of what the child says ( and , of course , also expand it ) .
4 Mr. Speaker : It is well known that when the Benches are empty there is much else going on in the House .
5 It is often noticed that when someone has a close relative die , it seems to be not unusual that the family pet dies shortly afterwards .
6 However , it is often argued that when barriers are taken down and teachers start to work in teams developing courses and assessing pupils ' responses , real improvements begin to occur .
7 That is , it is sometimes found that when there is a part of a person 's life which is difficult or impossible to control , he or she will channel the need to exercise control onto some other aspect of behaviour such as food intake .
8 Linked with this latter point , it was also reported that when it came to an evaluation of training courses " higher education providers revealed that their concern was very largely with improving the quality of their courses rather than assessing their effectiveness upon participants ' management practice in school " ( Wallace and Hall 1989:172 ) .
9 It was widely rumoured that when the party leader , Klement Gottwald , died , in March 1953 , it was from grief at the death of Stalin a few weeks earlier .
10 It was further noted that when asked , either directly or indirectly , to provide further information , young school-aged children proved poor at responding .
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