Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I am also inclined to imagine that would say something like that .
2 I am rather inclined to think that the working conditions in this part of the country are opposed to the development of first class footballers , ’ he said .
3 An excellent overview of organisational communication research written specifically with reference to the external organisational environment appears in a valuable compendium Handbook of organizational communication — a volume that in this context I am not ashamed to admit that I came across just by chance in a bookshop whilst looking for something completely different !
4 I am not ashamed to admit that I am not overwhelmed with sympathy for muggers and molesters .
5 For I am not ashamed to admit that I am The Burpman .
6 I am not able to say that the steering group has achieved fair and equal representation of all its members .
7 When I reappear in my flat I am not surprised to learn that the two doughballs have said absolutely nothing .
8 Vienna Dear Fräulein Arandt , I am very sorry to learn that my book has had such a distressing effect on you .
9 I am very sorry to hear that your husband is dying of cancer and we can at this stage only send you our best wishes and understanding .
10 The erm safety on the transport yes I mean I am very happy to say that we will ask the , the staff to look at that and perhaps I can just clarify the meaning of that paragraph ah in four point eight when it says a m a new member of staff it means a new member of staff will be responsible for health and safety not just one person on his own .
11 To Greeves , the orthodox believer , he wrote in January 1930 , ‘ In spite of all my recent changes of view I am still inclined to think that you can only get what you call Christ out of the Gospels by picking and choosing and slurring over a good deal . ’
12 I am sufficiently egotistical to believe that one of the reasons why they failed was that I was not present .
13 The self-employed mechanic who services my car — I am sometimes ashamed to say that I have a car — also sharpens sickles , sells strimmers and repairs motor cultivators .
14 Now I am quite prepared to believe that other countries can offer more obviously spectacular scenery .
15 I am especially pleased to hear that he now supports the tests introduced by my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Science .
16 A. The state of amphibians being so threatened at the moment , I am almost reluctant to suggest that anyone keeps native species , but I have to concede that the common toad Bufo bufo is a fascinating animal .
17 You may think it is a rum thing that a chap like Tim should pay an arm and a leg to come here for a year and then teach us a thing or two but then I am perfectly happy to admit that we do n't know everything .
18 It is to our American friends , I am so pleased to hear that you are coming to Framlingham to celebrate your anniversary .
19 I am so pleased to think that his kind of socialism ‘ without the state ’ is now coming to the fore again in Labour politics .
20 My dearest Victor , I am so happy to know that you will soon be home .
21 And erm again and again you find that it is , that the thing you half suspected is mentioned by a character later , and when I find that I 'm strongly inclined to suppose that Shakespeare has put it there .
22 And when I find that I 'm strongly inclined to suppose that Shakespeare has put it there .
23 like that , and she said oh , she said well I 'm rather pleased to think that he feels likes doing it .
24 I 'm rather ashamed to say that almost all of my friends are in the business .
25 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
26 He said : ‘ I 'm not prepared to accept that their decision is carved out in tablets of stone .
27 I 'm not prepared to accept that any more than I am prepared to accept the hogwash that we heard from Bob Morgan and his Liberal Democrats , because of course it may be extremely comfortable for him to be acting like a beached dolphin on the shores of Abu Dhabi , but the fact of the matter is , of course , that the Liberal Democrats , with or without the backs of their envelopes and cigarettes packets , are extremely unlikely to be making any national legislation , so they are quite comfortable in being able to observe how others might or might not do it .
28 I think , as I said before , the pro The idea of Europe , the profile of Europe is important , and although i do n't think I should be campaign , if I win tonight , on things that interest me and do n't interest others , I 'm not afraid to say that I do want to make it , to a degree at least , a genuine European campaign .
29 I 'm not afraid to admit that I wanted you last night , more than I 've wanted any woman for a long time . ’
30 I 'm not ashamed to admit that I was encountering the vast majority of the fish on show for the first time .
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