Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [art] [noun] of her " in BNC.

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1 Following these up , I went into a chemist 's shop , introduced myself to the tall lady assistant and said that I was a friend of her future husband 's brother .
2 Her island trip that year was to Pa/1ros , perhaps the most successful that she ever made : -it is the setting of her story ‘ In a Different Light ’ .
3 Withdrawing affection takes away a child 's security : you 're the pivot of her world and if your love is n't stable what in her world can be ?
4 I was so afraid of losing you to Maria Luisa , dreading her return , then it was just too terrible when I thought you were the father of her baby . ’
5 She 's a woman of her time , and a person in her own right !
6 Now , as you can see , she 's a shadow of her former self .
7 She is a victim of her own propaganda .
8 ‘ Do n't call me daft ! ’ she said , but she was a travesty of her usual bossy self .
9 She had undertaken to contact him by the end of next week to report what progress she had made and he did not doubt she would do so , for she was a woman of her word .
10 She was the measure of her own world .
11 For Margery they are the substance of her book — for Rolle they enter into some of his writing and illuminate his teaching .
12 They were an expression of her inner fears and hopes .
13 Hussa was a large , enveloping woman with a large , enveloping sense of humour ; she walked with the rolling gait of a shore-bound sailor and her veils had such a haphazard permanence , you felt they were an outgrowth of her personality rather than a covering .
14 As often as not , they were the names of her favourite businessmen of the moment .
15 All I could see of her was the tip of her nose on Richard 's other side , bobbing backwards and forwards as she walked , like a bird eating grain .
16 She had no illusions about her physical attractions ; what drew men to her was the power of her personality .
17 Just as some moonstruck Juliet would if it were a picture of her other-side-of-the-world Romeo .
18 She ought to have hated the child she was carrying , it being the cause of her return to squalor after the effort she had made to rise above it , but since she 'd felt it move she could n't reject it .
19 To me , it 's a celebration of her nakedness , she 's ‘ sky-clad ’ , to continue the pagan theme of ‘ Sheela-Na-Gig ’ .
20 Maybe it 's the threat of her crutches that is helping the decision makers sign .
21 It is a measure of her individuality that Greenberg , long one of her husband 's critics , is such a big fan of hers .
22 It is the scale of her interest in the work of other departments and working with ad hoc groups , that makes her distinctive .
23 There may be rare occasions when it is desirable to emphasise the importance of some decisions by stating specifically that it is the decision of Her Majesty 's Government .
24 On Europe , to put it beyond all doubt in this House , in the country , and on the continent , will my right hon. Friend reaffirm that it is the policy of Her Majesty 's Government that Britain shall not go down the route of a federal Europe and that it is for Britain to decide on the future of her own currency ?
25 It is the desire of her life that Lord Wittisham realises her love .
26 It is the weight of her patience
27 It was no part of her plan to rush in on them .
28 ‘ He must have hurt you very badly , ’ Rose said in a conciliatory tone , for it was no part of her scheme to antagonise Theda .
29 It was a mark of her artistic intelligence and independence that she did not choose to dish up a pot-pourri of well tried favourites for the occasion , drawing attention to herself rather than the music .
30 It was a continuation of her misguided perception that she was a world power and had to protect her Commonwealth and maintain an independent presence in the world .
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