Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [verb] is that the " in BNC.

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1 I have been talking about experiences which affect both men and women ; what I am suggesting is that the role of the Weaving Mother is to spin a thread , a bond , from the ‘ raw material ’ proffered by the male .
2 All I am suggesting is that the balancing exercise should be capable of being performed .
3 The non-trivial point I am making is that the difference is not in the presence of an additional reason for action , but in the existence of a pre-emptive reason .
4 The point that I am making is that the argument is not one of Sunday trading , but one of law and order , with the Conservative party ranged firmly among the enemies of law and order .
5 But what I am saying is that the that the side
6 Erm I think I think what I 'm suggesting is that the that the the panel should should er advise the County Council as to how they should address the phasing issue .
7 The reason I 'm calling is that the lead guitarist Eddie Van Halen has a daughter , Katie , who 's eight , and somehow they 've managed to get hold of some of the videos of your shows with Basil .
8 Erm it 's a very hard thing for people in that situation to organize a as a group er so what I 'm saying is that the level of unemployment in itself does n't bind people together , but given that is a long-established kind of traditional working class area , there is that tradition of , of , of community that exists anyway ,
9 But what I 'm saying is that the er m Q Basic must have the facilities to put those menus up by just sort of saying put up menu .
10 Oh , I 've no doubt that somewhere down the line these things are are built it , but what I 'm saying is that the majority of dealers these days are including it within the package and saying look this vehicle comes with it completely because there is such erm a demand for this erm type of insurance .
11 I 've said to my brother Roman Catholic if what you are saying is that the substance of the godhead is in a mystery transferred into our substance that is to say that we are recipitents recipients in the sacrament of the divine life then we go out in faith together believing the same essential .
12 When it comes down to it , all you 're saying is that the likes of Tina Turner and Mick Hucknall have created a bloated travesty of soul .
13 okay , so the , there , what you 're saying is that the , the rural wage is a sub a subsistence wage , which is im by definition , sort the minimum wage you require to live on and er , there are possibilities of much higher incomes else elsewhere , so the , the subsistence wage itself may well act as quite er , strong sort of push factor out of the rural areas , let alone erm , high wages in er , er , the urban areas .
14 I mean why , er with this surplus they 've gathered , I mean what you 're saying is that the rich peasant economy effectively are better investors
15 are , are the same but I see the point that you 're making is that the workload is n't just the initial action plan .
16 What we are stressing is that the disciplinary context is important to understanding what kind of contribution is on offer , and this includes understanding the special limited concern a discipline has toward the world , and is an essential consideration in evaluating its research and the data it produces .
17 ‘ What we are saying is that the ITC will put up the name .
18 What we 're finding is that the discoveries in interstellar space are making us try new experiments and erm try and reproduce these conditions , perhaps in the laboratory , and then go on to discover new molecules in space and understand the processes that give rise to the molecules .
19 Could well be negated because all we 're saying is that the counter argument to it is we 're simply conforming with the structure plan .
20 The paradox about all this information explosion or whatever it is called is that the speed of its distribution is so high and the actual receiving of it by a human being is so necessarily slow and far more inefficient than it is achieved by other methods , such as reading printed marks on paper .
21 What he is suggesting is that the relationship between symbol and symbolised is not only referential , does not simply describe , but is productive , that is it creates .
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